Episode 15

What if the ultimate power, comes from surrender...?

I used to think that power and strength came from independence, confidence and control.

I used to think that success meant being able to do everything myself, and that accepting help, was admitting I wasn't good enough...

Sound familiar? 😜

But what if the complete opposite were true?

What if the ultimate power comes from surrendering that control?

What if our very key to the peace, balance and freedom we say we want, is to let go of everything and surrender of the chaos of universal flow?

Could you let go?

Could you open yourself up to the possibility of help without condition? Of not having a point to prove? Of not having to be right? Not needing to be perfect?

This is my journey for 2024 and I'm both scared shitless and insanely excited at the same time 😜

And to you - the woman ready to surrender along with me - to let go of everything keeping you stuck right where you are in this moment - this is my invitation to YOU. Click the link below or DM me on socials the word "SURRENDER" and let's the start the conversation around whether joining me in this business is the right thing for you!

I'll ask you where you're at right now, what you're doing, how you're feeling - then we'll move to where you want to be, how you want to feel and what you want to be experiencing... if I think I have you A to B solution, I'll send you more info - if I don't think it's for you, I won't!

What if SURRENDER were your key to ultimate power & fulfillment...?

DM "SURRENDER" to take the first step in finding out 🙏

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Claire Markwick:

Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back, I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising Podcast. I'm back with another solo episode this week. And I wanted to I wanted to jump in and dig a bit deeper into something that came up in my conversation last week with Jeannie around letting go of our masculine like hustle, pushing, forcing, getting shit done kind of energy as women and how actually sort of surrendering and slowing down and doing less and letting go of control and letting things be as they are going to be. I'm curious as to whether that's actually a way that we can get where we want to go faster. And I think I think

Claire Markwick:

on reflection like chatting with Jeanne and listening back to last week's episode if you haven't already listened to it, go back and listen to listen to it. I think on reflection there's there's so much value that particularly us women can gain from letting go of some of that masculine Busch energy. And I know from for me from for myself, I've always viewed I've always viewed myself as being in control, like wanting to be in control of everything. And, you know, being in control of my career, being in control of my own money, having control of my circumstances and everything around me, I felt that I I wanted to be independent, I didn't want to rely on anyone, I didn't want to need anyone's help, I wanted to be able to do things on my own. And what I'm starting to realize is that I don't have to. And in letting go of some of that it actually creates the space, mentally and physically for more of what I say I want to come in. And actually even though I tied the meaning of strength, to independence and confidence and being in control, I am now starting to wonder is that meaning is that belief that doing everything ourselves or needing to do everything ourselves wanting control, feeling that we don't need or we shouldn't need someone's help? Is that belief actually the thing that's keeping us stuck or keeping me stuck or keeping me at a level? You know, when I say stuck, I don't I don't mean that my life is terrible, and that I'm in this like Woe is me. And like a depressed state or anything like that. My life has been fantastic. Like I love my life. I love the privileges and the potential. But I feel there's a restriction. I feel there is something that needs to release to allow me to kind of break through that ceiling and if you remember in one of the previous episodes, I was talking to how that feeling felt like you know the The Willy Wonka glass elevator, you know smashing through the glass ceiling, like I feel like I'm, I'm coming up to speed

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close to that that glass ceiling and something needs to give to actually burst through there. And what I'm starting to realize is what needs to give is my control or my feeling of need to do everything and be unwilling to accept help for fear of that being weak. I think what I'm realizing is that accepting help, and not tying a condition to it, not putting a self imposed limitation or obligation to when someone is offering to help me. That is actually the key for me. So it's, it's really interesting. We, my hubby, and I were actually in the process of buying a home. And I needed to, I needed to reach out to my parents and ask for some assistance with our deposit. And you know, beautifully, amazingly, they were able to help and they transferred the cash to our bank account, which is just absolutely phenomenal. And immediately, I tied obligation to that I was like, right, okay, now I've got to I've got to earn this much, I've got to create this much so that I can start to pay my dad back. Immediately, I couldn't sit, even for a minute, I couldn't sit in the gratitude of the emotion around someone helping me, I wasn't comfortable with that. It took a lot for me to ask, and to then go the next step and sit in that gratitude in that thanks in those emotions, without putting some kind of obligation to it. Like I could not do it, I could not do it. And my beautiful mentor, Sally called me out on it. And she has really been challenging me to sit with the emotion of it and describe how it feels to be gifted, so much money. And I've really been struggling with that. Because to me, it doesn't feel like it's a gift because I have imposed rules to it. I have imposed restriction to her I have imposed obligation to her which is now weighed sitting on my shoulders. And I just I find it a really, really interesting thing that I'm going to lean into more and more and more this year, and unravel these layers, like peel back the layers of the onion. Why

Claire Markwick:

is it that I feel so uncomfortable? Accepting help? What does? What does letting go of some form of control and accepting the help of someone else? What does that mean to me? Why? Why do I find it so uncomfortable to sit in that? And I think these kinds of questions are really, really powerful, important questions that we can all ponder, you know, where do you sit around feeling you have to be in control of things, feeling that you have to be doing things yourself, like approving that you can be independent? Like, where do you sit with that maybe maybe you don't have any issues with that whatsoever. And you're quite comfortable sitting back and letting others help. And kudos to you if that's you, because it is not me and it is sure as hell uncomfortable right now, but I'm sharing this story because personal growth and entrepreneurship go hand in hand, you can't. I honestly don't believe and I am happy to hear the opinions of other entrepreneurs out there. But I honestly don't believe that you can work for yourself.

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Follow your sort of your dreams, your professional, personal family, dreams and visions. I don't think you can do that without coming across challenges and things that force us to look inwards. Because you know, certainly in the in the business that I'm in the strategy part of it the the you know, the actual business model, how that how the sales work, how the commission structure works, the training, the actual step by step process of the business, you know, that that's the easy bit, that's the, that's like 20% of the puzzle, if you like 20% of the game, is the strategy because that's the easy bit. That's the proven bit that's the bit that can be taught really, really easily. The bit that makes the difference and why some people are so successful in not only this business that I do but in, in any business, the bit that that stands people apart, that splits people apart is what they do with that strategy. How how healthy they are in their mindset how willing they are have to lean in to the challenge and lean into the uncomfortable and face the obstacles and figure out how to overcome them and figure out how to how to summit that that mountain and get to the other side. And I think that is what is really coming up for me right now like this is the this is the this is the challenge. This is the obstacle, this is the mountain that I'm climbing through 2024 it's what what do I need to let go off? What do I need to release? What do I need to free up? What do I need to and to let flow to enable me to realize that I don't have to be in masculine hustle push mode all the time, I don't have to do everything myself, I don't have to do things, the hard way people can help me. Where along the line have I learned that it is not safe to accept help? What meaning have I put to that? And I think when I don't think I know, when I uncover the answers to that it is going to be the thing that elevates me to the next point. So if you see my social posts lately, and you know,

Claire Markwick:

you've seen my word for 2024 is surrender. That is what I am talking about. It's it's surrendering all the past beliefs, and meanings that I have put to things and literally letting things flow. And I'm starting to believe I'm starting to feel that that is where the ultimate power comes from. Yeah, we might fit we might think very much in our masculine in our heads that, that our and control and influence and draw, you know, all of that. All of that strength, and grit and determination comes from being able to do it all and and, and having all the answers and being in control. But what if it's not? What if ultimately were ultimate power, ultimate control, ultimate freedom comes from is in our ability of letting go of the need for all of that. And I think that is really, really, that that really excites me, and it scares me at the same time. But it really excites me because I've never, I've never been there before. And there's one thing I know for absolutely bloody certain is that we can't get different results, we're never going to get different results. If we're not prepared to do different things. If we have always doing what we've always done, we were always thinking the way we've always thought we're always acting the way we've always acted. If nothing is changing, then nothing is changing. If we're not prepared to change something, nothing is going to change, we cannot expect a different result, if all we're putting in are the same inputs. You know, and I think this is just a fundamental piece in me personally moving forward. And I'm sharing it because I feel called to share it because I feel that sharing my journey is going to be helping someone listening to this podcast. And I set myself the vow at the start of releasing this podcast that I would just speak what I felt needed to be spoken. And sure I've got notes in front of me, I've gone off track already. I knew I wanted to talk about surrender today in this episode. And I very much believe that

Claire Markwick:

what comes out of my mouth is meant to come out of my mouth and that someone listening in to this episode at some stage is going to get the value that they need from it is going to hear that it's going to hear the nugget that they need to help move them from where they are now to where they want to be. And so that is why I share this story. If we can go back to when would it be in December 2022. When I was at my low point, right before I decided to jump on board with Enagic and and start this online business. Where I was at mentally was at a very low point. And if you haven't listened to the origin episode of this podcast, the first episode, go ahead and listen to that because I'm not going to bother repeating the whole story right now. But essentially, that was that was my low point. And I so I was about five years into entrepreneurship. I left my I left my accounting and finance career behind me I vowed that's it, never never going back to being employed. That's ultimate failure to me. And in December 2022 I reached complete and utter burnout like I physically just broke down in tears and I just could not carry on the way that I I was going, I knew that I was earning money, I was successful, I was making impact. But I was burning myself out, I didn't feel fulfilled, I didn't feel satisfied, I felt there was always something missing, I felt I always had to push that little bit further. And it just wasn't working. I knew it wasn't sustainable. I knew I couldn't keep going. But I also knew that I had tied going back to work to mean failure. And so, for me, to be able to find the courage to accept within myself that mentally, physically, professionally financially, I needed to go back to work, I needed to go back to employment, I needed to have a job. Like that was a massive, massive mental hurdle that I had to overcome. Because I basically had to rewrite the rules that were in my head, I had to rewire my brain to help me believe that going back to a

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job wasn't failure, and that it was actually the thing I needed to do to move me and my family forward toward the goals that we wanted. And that was the start of my surrender. So in that moment, I surrendered the bullshit I was holding on to about what employment meant. And what that meant for me as a person in going from an entrepreneur and having my own business to, to being employed again, and I had to completely rewrite that narrative in my head. And now here we are, like 12 months on, and because I was able to release that, and articulate what I wanted out of a role. What how I wanted that to fit into my life, how I wanted to feel in that role. And what I wanted that role to allow me to do and enable me to do because I released the bullshit and was able to articulate that, I landed myself the perfect opportunity, the perfect job, right for me, where I am right now, and I am really, really happy there. But that would not have happened. If I hadn't have surrendered, that would not have been able to be my reality, because I wouldn't have been able to even picture it, I wouldn't have been able to articulate it and, and if you've been following me for a while, or if you've worked with me, or if you've listened to my other podcasts and things, I always say if you can't articulate it, you can't have it. But as soon as you can, as soon as you can articulate it, as soon as you can talk into existence, exactly what it is that you want. And when you can describe it, then you can have it because if our if your mental brain has already seen it, to the point where you can describe it, then it's already done. And it's then just a case for time to catch up. So the fact that I can release the bullshit, the fact that I could release the stories, the fact that I could surrender the meaning to what I had put, going back to work, as being meant that I can then have the clarity and the space to articulate well, what if I didn't need to do that? What would that look like? How would

Claire Markwick:

I want that to look? How would I want that to feel what would I want that to enable me to do, it created the space for me to able to put words to that. And to describe that, which therefore then created the space and the opportunity for me to actually see it come into physical existence. And

Claire Markwick:

what I think is really cool is that when we have got a success reference point for one area of our life, then we can just take that theory, we can take that we can take that foundation, we can take that framework, we can take that structure, and we can apply it to other areas of our life. So now it's got me curious, you know, around my my wealth and my money, stories around my relationship, and my my beliefs around romance and sensuality and sexuality, my parenting, my health, my wellness, your what happens when all of this self imposed, limiting, restricting bullshit around all of those areas of my life. What happens in those areas when that is surrendered, when that is released, when I can allow this space to come in, to allow me to articulate well, if where I'm at right now is a five out of 10 What does 10 out of 10 look like? And when I can create the space to actually feel that and articulate that and describe that then I can go about making it happen. And that really really excites me. I think that is such an exciting way to live. And this is something else that that Sally has put into my mind like, can I just on a side note seriously having the support of coaches and mentors and people who have gone before you in, in achieving what you say you want to achieve that it is so freakin invaluable. Like too many of us listen to the wrong people. We listen to our parents, our partners, our best mates, our colleagues at work, and if none of them have got the results that we're aiming for, we're listening to the wrong people, we need to get ourselves in rooms, we need to get ourselves in communities of people, where we're the smallest fish in the room like is that even a saying? Any here, you know what I mean? We're the smallest, we're the smallest person in the room. And it's really intimidating to step through that door, because everyone else in that room just seems like this so many million miles ahead of us. But they're the rooms we need to be in.

Claire Markwick:

Because they're the people that have gone before us. They're the people who have gone through what we are going through or about to go through. And because they've done it, and because they've got through the other side they can coach us through. And that's what I'm really valuing right now with Sally and everything like I'm approaching for a in our business, which is the first sort of most people who start in our business don't reach for a because they don't do this in a work. They've got the strategy, but they're not prepared to change the way they think they're not prepared to challenge the way they view things they're not prepared to, to ask questions and get curious and do things differently and think about things differently and treat themselves differently. And so most people won't reach for a but of those who reach for a most go on and reach six at the first leadership level and six, a two and six a two dash two and into into all the legacy dashes. Which if you're not in Enagic business for me absolutely jack shit to you right now. But the point I'm making is that I am very, very close to approaching four a, which is the first big milestone in the commission structure. And the like I say the strategy is the easy bit, the mental journey of going from three, eight to four, eight is massive. And that's what I'm going through right now. And that is what Sally is walking me through because she's six, eight. So she's done this, she has done this journey, she has gone through these things that I'm going through and whilst she can't tell me exactly how are what I need to do to get over my bullshit and and over the limitations that I impose on myself. What she can do is share her experience. And what she can do is share her journey and say, Well, this is what came up for me, this is what I question, this is what I did. And that then helps guide me on the path as well. And that's that's another reason why as I say why I'm sharing so much of my journey

Claire Markwick:

so openly because, you know, there's, there's like people, my team are at one a two way. I've been there, I've gone through that I've made my first sales. I've started my team, I'm growing my business. I've laid those first foundation, so I'm a step ahead of them. And so I can teach them I can I can inspire you the next person who might be even thinking about well, what's this all about? Like? How do I come in like I can I can, what I'm sharing my journey helps inspire you and helps you realize that you don't have to have a mission together. You don't have to understand it fully. You just have to be prepared to trust that the system is there, the strategy is there. And if you're coachable if you're willing to challenge everything that you have believed up to this point, and you are prepared to put in consistent work, then there's no way you can't be successful, how long it'll take, I can't tell you that it might take you three months, it might take you six months, it might take you six years, or it might take you anything in between. That's irrelevant. What we need to do as as entrepreneurs as people as women who want to push ourselves forward is we need to challenge the we need to challenge the norms, we need to challenge the ceilings we need to challenge the the box that we're putting ourselves in. And one thing that Sally really challenged me to do is to have the attitude of play and fun and to set crazy, audacious goals. Sports, you know, commit to crazy audacious things, and just have fun trying to achieve them. Like, I remember, I remember I was working with a coach one time, who was who was telling me about, you know, the big, hairy, audacious goals. And, you know, she said, if you if you're not feeling a little bit sick by the goal that you've set yourself, then you haven't set yourself a big enough goal. And, you know, she said, even if, at the end of the year, you're only halfway to achieving your goal, you're still probably twice as far as

Claire Markwick:

you would have been. Had you had made a lesser goal. Does that make sense? So say you've got a goal to, you know, you'd really love to make an extra $30,000 A year and a side hustle, set your goal to be $100,000. Like, I'm gonna make $100,000 next year on my side hustle, and have fun trying to achieve that play, do things that you wouldn't normally do just have this attitude of war, get what's the worst that can happen. And if at the end of the year, you've made $50,000, instead of going, Oh, well, that was a failure of a year, I'm only halfway towards my goal, you're still $20,000 further ahead than if you'd have just stayed with the $30,000 goal. Does that make sense. And so that's, that's the attitude that I'm coming into 2024 with this attitude of, let's just surrender everything that has come before, let's let's attempt to put everything on the table. And when I say that I I say with absolute honesty and openness and vulnerability, because it's not easy to change, something that has been so for 43 years, and you can't just click your fingers and suddenly believe something different. But what I can do, and what you can do is set the intention. And when we find we're slipping back into our old 43 year old patterns, we can challenge ourselves, we can we can question we can get curious. And we're like, what am I getting out of falling back into this? What am I not feeling safe? About what am I? What am I scared of? What meaning Am I tying to this? What What am I getting out of this because, like it or not, everything that we do, we do for a reason. And we do because we are getting benefit from it. And there will be some of you in in in certain situations right now where you'll where you'll just be triggered by what I've just said, because you won't know, as if I'm choosing this as if I'm getting a benefit from this. But I can guarantee that wherever you're at whatever is going on. Whatever you're sitting in, you are getting some benefit from it.

Claire Markwick:

Because doing something different, believing something different seeing something a different way, putting a different meaning to something is scary, it's scaring you. And therefore staying where you are, even if it's not particularly comfortable or particularly pleasant, or where you want to be is actually better than the thought of stepping off the cliff into the unknown and a you know, into the abyss. So

Claire Markwick:

to move on, to move forward to smash through that glass ceiling requires surrender. It requires releasing ourselves from the pressure of feeling we need to do everything feeling we need to be in control feeling that we need to be perfect and that we always need to be right. It's like how many people how many of you listening to this have said you're going to do something, but you haven't done it like right I'm gonna get fit this year. And you You haven't gone to the gym yet. You haven't gone to join a gym yet because you haven't bought the right outfit. You only got really old baggy workout gear or like, you know, like, whatever. You know, geezers you say excuse you've got really old daily workout gear you haven't been to the shops yet to buy the cool latest active wear so you haven't been to the gym yet. It's that's what I mean. Like, we've got to drop this self imposed shit, we've got to drop these rules. We've got to drop this perfectionism. And we've just got to do it like turn up and in your Daggy clothes, do a workout in your lounge room in your pajamas. That's what I do most mornings like a coach I worked with last year calls it do it dirty. Just do it. Do it dirty. It doesn't matter. We can fine tune it. We can tweak it we can work on making it better once we've started but we have to start and that's what I tell my team in in building this Enagic business like we have to start like our brand, and how we talk about the business and what we stand for, and how we promote is not going to be perfect from day one, but you can't sit and plan it on your computer or in your journal or in your notepad, and then just post something and it'd be perfect. Like, we have to do it dirty, we have to just start and we improve along the way we make. We make adjustments and tweaks along the way. It's this just do it attitude. So it's surrendering the bullshit, it's surrendering from every meaning that we've put to anything in the past, like our past, does

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not dictate our future, what has happened in the past is not a guarantee that it is going to happen again, in the future, the only way that that cycle will continue, the only way that that will be the case, is if we decide it's the case. So if we say well, I've tried, I've tried online marketing before, I've tried other direct sales companies before and they didn't, they didn't work out. So I'm not going to bother with this one, this one's not going to work out either. Or I've, I've tried going to networking events and meeting new people, and it was a disaster. So I'm not going to bother meeting new people anymore. Or, you know, I've tried. I've tried dating people from this app or from work or whatever, and it's not worked in the past. So I'm not going to I'm not going to do it because it's not going to work in the future. That is a self imposed limiting belief, we are tying meaning to the fact that just because something has happened in the past, means that nothing different can happen in the future. And if you cannot see how limiting and restricting that is, then quite frankly, there's no helping. We have to be prepared to challenge everything, to, to surrender everything, and essentially start all over again to reprogram our minds. And that is the hard bit. That is the bit about entrepreneurship, about personal growth, that is freaking hard. Because whilst we can have the support, and the guidance of mentors and coaches and communities around us, essentially the work is ours, there is nothing that you know, there is nothing that Sally can do. So he can point out to me that I've got a limiting belief and and that is the thing that's holding me back. But if I'm not prepared to listen, if I'm not prepared to believe that what she's saying can be so if I'm not prepared to challenge, my own internal dialogue, as to what she's saying, then nothing is ever going to change. And so that, that is surrender, that is what this year is all about, for me, and, and any of you

Claire Markwick:

coming along on the ride as well. It is about letting go of everything that has got us to where we are being so incredibly grateful for that. Like I am so incredibly grateful for every experience, opportunity, challenge, triumph, for every tear for every laughter, like for every experience, it has gotten me to where I am now. And I am so incredibly grateful for that, and I would not change anything. But what I am choosing to change is the meaning that I'm tying to all of that past experience and the impact that that's going to have on my future. It has shaped me into the person that I am now. But now a line is drawn. And the person that I become, through 2024 2025 and beyond has got nothing to do with anything that's happened in the past. Nothing at all. It only has to do with my mindset, and what I choose to believe and who I choose to become and the actions I choose to take and the meaning that I decide to put to situations. That is what is going to dictate my future. Nothing. Nothing from the past is going to dictate my future. And I think that's where I'm going to leave it for today. I feeling like I've got my message across. So I'm feeling like I've shared what I wanted to share. I trust that it has been valuable and I trust that you have been able to get something from it that you need to move you forward and move you beyond your perhaps self imposed limiting beliefs around where you're at right now and what you believe you're capable of. And for you to be able to use it as a springboard to borrow some of my belief and allow yourself to open up to the fact that something dif Frank could be possible, something different could be out there, if you can surrender some of this old limiting bullshit that we tend to hold on to this weight on our shoulders. So, before I wrap up, I do want to extend an invitation, I want to extend an invitation to you, if you are someone listening to this podcast who has vowed to make 2020 for a different year,

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if you have got to where you're at, and have drawn your line and, and are saying, You know what, 2024 is going to be different. And maybe you've been following me for a while. And you're like, right, this is it. This is it. This is where I jump on board with you, Claire, let's let's do this, let's business partner up and let's, let's rock this, maybe you're there. Maybe you're not there. Maybe you don't know what the hell it is you want to do what the hell it is you want to change, but you want to change something and you know that this is the year that you're going to do it. This is my opportunity for you. This is my invitation to you, I have got a way, not the way not the only way, I have got a way for you to prioritize your health for you to prioritize your well being for you to kickstart your confidence and your belief in yourself for you to earn an extra stream of income for you to meet new people for you to grow into the version of you that you might not even believe is possible right now. But let me tell you that it is I have got a way that you may be able to do that if you give yourself permission to see it. And so, my invitation to you the fierce woman listening to this podcast is to ask me for the opportunity to see this opportunity. And I don't want that to sound like it's some convoluted like woowoo thing. Like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna push things in your face. I literally have the key to a key to a door that you can walk through that is going to completely and utterly flip turn your life is it the only key to the only door No. Is it the key and the door being presented to you right now in this moment? Yes. If you decide to take the key and walk through it, that's completely up to you. If you decide to take the key and hang on to it until you feel you're ready to walk through the door. That's completely up to you to if you're you know you might be like you know what, Claire I don't want the key not interested quite happy

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with where I'm at. Thanks very much. I don't think you'd be listening to this podcast if that was you deep down inside if you're listening to this podcast, you are someone who wants more. And I have a way of showing you more. And so all I'm going to ask you to do is DM me on socials Claire underscore Markwick on Instagram Claire Markwick on Facebook.

Claire Markwick:

DM me the word fierce. You can also click the link in the show notes to wherever you're listening to this episode there is a link there to directly message me, DM me the word fierce. And let's start a conversation. Let's let's have a bit of a chat. I'm gonna I'll ask you where you're at right now. I'll ask you what's going on. I'll ask you where you want to be. And I will then send you the information that I think will suit you the best. You watch it and that is it. You either say yay Claire I want to know more or no Claire I don't want to know more. That's it. So DME word fierce and I am ready to personally one on one mentor five women in the first half of 2024 and I am so pumped I am so so like ready to share what I have learned in my zero to almost four a journey. I am ready to pass that on to the next generation and I cannot wait for that to be you and for us to walk through that door together. So fierce getting my DMs fierce and if there is someone in your network that you think needs to hear this episode then please share it share the love write me a review on Apple or Spotify or Google share the love really helped me push this fierce woman rising message because I think there are too many of us that are sat mediocre that are living this life of quiet desperation because deep inside in our hearts we know and we can feel that we're we're worthy of more and that we're here for more yet. We live in a society were fitting in with the norm and fitting into a box is just so much more the conditioned way of doing things and it can be scary as hell If we're the only person who wants to be peeping outside of that box all the time, and everyone around us is quite comfortably in our box. So I understand that frustration, I understand that feeling of confinement and restriction and I want to help empower you, that woman to not to have the confidence to step outside of that box and not need the validation and the support of those around us those who are around

Claire Markwick:

you right now because you will find the support of new people outside of that box. All right. I'm leaving it there. Thank you so much for lending me your ears. I trust you have gained something out of this episode. And as I say, if there's someone in your network that you think needs to hear this message, then please share it with them. Let me know what you have loved about this episode. I absolutely love hearing your feedback and your comments and how, how these stories have inspired you. I absolutely just get such thrills and such kicks out of hearing that my words have been helpful. So thank you so much, everybody who does that every single week. I really do appreciate it and I will be back in your ears next week for another episode of fierce woman rising. Bye bye

About the Podcast

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Fierce Woman Rising
Awaken your life: Rediscover joy, passion, and simplicity beyond the grind

About your host

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Claire Markwick

Accountant | Biz Mentor | Podcast Host | Real-Talker

Hey, I'm Claire - your fun loving, real-talking numbers gal here to help you create new levels of success with your health, your wealth and your sense of self. Life's too freaking short to be sat back comfortable - give yourself permission to dream, create the confidence, then do something about making it happen and let me and this show, be your guide... 🔥🔥🔥