Episode 14

The business that is so much more, than just a business...

Do you know one thing I am hearing all the freaking time when I chat to people in our online business community... its that what they THOUGHT was "just" an online business is in fact, soooooooooooo much more than that!

This week I am chatting with the delightful Gene Dawn - a woman who has gone from shy, quiet and hidden away, with 2 failed relationships... to glowing in her feminine power, living as her fully expressed self and embarking on an adventure far better than she could ever have imagined.

Find out how "just an online business" made such significant changes to Gene's life in this week's episode of Fierce Woman Rising!




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Claire Markwick:

Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for my name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back. I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it and I want that for you too. So welcome my friend to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising podcast I trust you all had a fantastic Christmas it actually sounds really weird saying that because as we recording this, it's not quite Christmas yet but by the time you're listened to it, it would have happened already. So I hope you had an amazing Christmas and I am back this week with a fantastic conversation. You've had a couple of solo episodes from me but this week I am delighted to welcome the beautiful Jeanne dawn to the hot seat and I am really excited to share her story so she is a freedom lifestyle advocate a happy relationship

Claire Markwick:

advocate and she is a woman living her fully expressed self in a life that she has always dreamed of. But it hasn't always been that way so I am really keen to hear her story really keen for you to hear her story So Jeannie welcome

Gene Dawn:

Thanks very clear. I'm happy to be here today.

Claire Markwick:

Absolute pleasure absolute pleasure. Why don't we start I am I you know in our community we here sort of living my fully expressed life I'm living my authentic life I'm you know living the best version of me like to someone who is not in our world how would you describe what that looks like? What does living your most expressed self mean to you? Oh my gosh

Claire Markwick:

it used to not be

Gene Dawn:

exactly Oh, I guess that's why I can relate so much to what it feels like to be that because I didn't come from that like I feel that being fully expressed means that we get to shine our own light be our true authentic self in our within from from our hearts you know I live to actually my head and I still do to be honest like it's a really really difficult thing to get out of. And you have in your accountant brain on most of the time I bet you know what I'm talking

Claire Markwick:

about Hell yeah.

Gene Dawn:

So you know just to come from our hearts and literally feel into our body come from a place of of being true to ourselves and not giving too much of an F about what people think about us and that because that is where I come from. I come from being that good girl always trying to people please trying to be the bits in the one that doesn't block the system, the one that literally lives.

Claire Markwick:

Doesn't rock the boat

Gene Dawn:

Lucilla for other people for everyone else and puts their own life on the back burner. Yeah. And honestly, I guess it was a really tipping point, like four years ago that I realized all of this sort of came to light. I found I had another relationship breaking down and I thought what the Hell, what the hell is going on with my like, I honestly thought that 15 years I've been in this one and I thought I have to hold this one together. Like, I don't want to look like a failure, I don't want, all these things come up in your mind that what we've got so much, I'm gonna be starting again. And I thought, Well, if that's what it takes, then that's what it because I wasn't happy I was so I felt so suppressed. And so not living how I had imagined my life to be. I've always been a visionary. Yeah, I've always thought there's got to be more in this life. I can totally, I

Claire Markwick:

can totally, totally resonate with that. It's funny, isn't it? It's interesting, not so much funny. It's interesting that we can, when we're living, sort of an authentically, when when we're living that life, we think we ought to be living. So when we're doing what we think we ought to do, saying how what we think we ought to say acting in the way we think we ought to do everything properly, like you say, the whole good girl thing. And keeping the peace and doing things properly, we can find ourselves in relationships that, you know, ultimately, aren't gonna last, are they? Because let's face it, like We're faking it in that case, aren't we? So when we sort of say, living our fully express lives now, it's like, we've stopped faking it, we've decided to stop faking it. And sometimes the people around us in that other life are like, well, well, hang on a minute, you're changing. You can't do that. But it's not Is that what you noticed?

Gene Dawn:

It is, and, and yet I have those people out there that doubt it, like, you know, you're not going to be successful. This? Will your auntie such and such didn't make it doing such and such, it's like, I keep getting put down and drag down. And, and I think, no, you know, I have the dream, I have the vision, I see it. And it doesn't matter what anyone else sees. And, you know, and or what they say, it literally comes down to me having the belief in myself and, and living from a place where I want to come from. Yeah, so And being that fully expressed version has opened so many doors to me, I felt so closed down before. And now I feel so alive. And so I'm just excited to come you know, I literally don't want to sit still most days up, I'm about I want to do this, I don't want to do that. And I actually probably feel a little bit of frustration creeping in. Because I want to do so much and be so much to fit and, and allow it to come is is something that I'm now sort of, you know, feeling into not not trying to force anything and let things flow more and, and yeah, I sort of have found myself now after four years of Go, go go go taking this step back. And, and feeling more into my feminine side. Like, it feels so much more peaceful, actually really, really nice. Yeah, it's,

Claire Markwick:

I think, in the kind of the modern age that we live in now there's so much you know, there's so much in the media there's so much just in society in general that, you know, women can, women can do everything that men can and women can have successful careers and families and businesses and this and that. And so there's been we've kind of grown up with this sort of almost hustle culture, haven't we like, we've got to keep pushing and we've got to, you know, if we want to be this successful woman, we've got to you know, not only do we have kids, but then we've got to be good in our career or grow our business and we've got to have money and we've got to still look good and we've got to be fit and you know, there's all these pressures on us isn't there and and, and that does come from the very like the masculine side of things, doesn't it and it can be really, really hard to switch that off or tone that down. You probably still need elements of that to some extent but tone that down and come back into our sort of our feminine selves. It's certainly a journey that I'm starting to embrace now. What have been some of the challenges for you like how did you how did you switch that off? Like how did you how did you make that change?

Gene Dawn:

Oh, look at I've had a I've been in a container recently where been a beautiful mentor of mine and she's in America actually. And I absolutely adore her. And it's the whole reason I'm actually in the online space where I am now. It was her masterclass. Two years ago, I saw. And, you know, two years ago, she was such a different person. And yet I fell in love with her. I'm like, oh, what I want what she's having, like, if she can come from a broken relationship and, and make all this money, I can do that too. Like, you know, and I saw it and you know, two years later, I thought she was so far out of reach, because I've put her on this pedestal and thought, No way, am I ever going to be in her circle. And that's not true this business in envelopes you and I absolutely have loved being in her container and learning more of the feminine stuff. And she's really only been in it for the last year as well. And, and she was just like me, she used to fight it. I don't want to be that doormat trodden on ever again, like that is not ever going to be me again. However, there's a soft way of coming in with that. And it literally is being fully 100% in love with who we are as, as women as a person owning what we bring into this world, you know, and, and living from that space. And it's not easy, Clell honestly, I find myself arguing all the time with my partner, like, I mean, I say I stood up four years ago from my ex, well, it's now four years later, and it was almost to the day that we got back together. It is incredible. I never thought that it would be possible. However, there's the work I've done on myself. And the work he's done on himself has led us back to a place. And it's not easy going, it's not something that blows and just come easy. It is work. And there are things we can put in place to make it so much more nicer. Like let the man be the man let Him lead and let myself flow more. And not argue all I want to do is argue like he's not right.

Gene Dawn:

You're not right. That's not right. You know what? It is so interesting that

Claire Markwick:

you say that that is so interesting, because that is probably one of the biggest things that Terry and I argue about, in as much as he's like, Why do you have to argue all the time? Like why can't you know, why do you have to be the one that has the last word all the time. And, and again, that's all part of this, this whole cycle, isn't it this like how we're conditioned, like, we have to be tough, we have to be hard we have to be, we have to be in control to be the successful woman and, and letting go of them. Like you say letting the man be the man be you know, can be a really challenging thing to do kindness, like,

Gene Dawn:

you feel like you're losing control, I guess it's the most inner part that I feel I feel like, I feel like I'm losing control and that I'm allowing someone to, to come over top of me and walk on me again. And then it's not like that. It's not like that. Because it doesn't work the other way bickering at each other all the time is. So such a turn off, it's a turn off for me to turn off him. Nobody wins. We're all at the end of the day, grumpy with each other and ourselves. And it's just not a way to live. So yeah, I feel that softening and being in our feminine and allowing our men and then and also, if we're not happy with what how things are going and what's happening, then we get to drop into our feet, feelings and really feel into what it makes us feel. And let them know that because at the end of the day, if we're not happy with what's happening, we need to say but in a really nice caring, loving, feminine way nada, like an attacking way that is it never worked that way it really will not. And I think that

Claire Markwick:

it also comes down to doesn't ask us women, giving ourselves the space to actually sit and really think about well, what do I need instead of just barking at him for not doing the dishes or taking the bin out? Or I thought I asked you to pick that up in town and this sort of stuff. You know, it's like, let's not just jump to that straightaway. Let's think about what what it is about this whole situation that's triggering me what it is like, what what what am I feeling? What am I needing? And when we can articulate that, like, if we can't articulate that, how the hell are they supposed to know what they're supposed to do?

Gene Dawn:

Exactly. And, you know, it's really it's an it's not generally it's not from the man's fault, either we have learned this from a childhood, from our upbringing from our youngest years of not being heard of not being felt that we have been worthy of things and, and literally having to either like me, I became really quiet and thought, Well, I'm not going to say anything, if, if I'm not being heard, then I might as well not say anything, I'll just sit here and be quiet and let it all go through me over me around me. And not let it go into me. So I suppressed all these feelings deep inside. And when you start doing this work, I literally have a feelings wheel that Brooke allowed me to have, and it's got your anger and your sadness, and you're happy and all of them. And then from there, it branches out into a whole lot of feelings. And I have to go to it regularly. Yeah, so I don't know what I'm feeling. I

Claire Markwick:

knew you like I have a sheet like, oh, it's actually a booklet but it's got like hundreds of different emotions in it. Because, you know, let's face it, what is it happy, sad, angry, whatever, you're scared, probably we can probably only name five or six off the top of our heads. And really what we're actually feeling if we give ourselves the time to sit and actually process it and think deeply about it, it's something completely different, isn't it? We might not be angry at all, like anger might be the symptom because what we're feeling is grief or something, you know, like that. I know, that was a huge one for me. And that was something that I've certainly had to overcome. There was grief in a relationship and I had I had to grieve I had to I had to be sad in order for the anger to pass. And yeah, it's it's absolutely fascinating journey, isn't it? Oh,

Gene Dawn:

it's so easy, because, you know, I've even suppressed crying, I found it really difficult. I only cry over really, really sad things like losing my dog. This year gone. And I would cry. I cried all day. However, it's that's a real emotion, that I can tangibly connect something to, however, when it's just little trivial things throughout the day, and you know, you don't want to make an issue of them. Like, oh, no, you know, I don't want to be a burden. I don't want to feel like I'm being a burden to you. Because I'm sharing my feelings. And it's so wrong. The men are craving to feel to hear our feelings, and to know what we're feeling because they're not mind reader's.

Claire Markwick:

Funny, that's as much as we might think they are. So I'm hoping they should pay.

Gene Dawn:

I'm still thinking that what can you tell what I'm feeling right now? Not almost. Yeah, they want to know, they really want to know and they want to help. They want to be our they want to be the person we go to and ask them for help. Like, I'm struggling with this today. You know, what's your take on it? May I ask for you to share how I could maybe overcome this, but I'll things like that, but I don't even think of you know, that our man can help us with so relationships are so complicated and and yet, at on the other end of the scale, they really get to be simplified and made so much easier.

Claire Markwick:

That's a that's a that's a really sexy piece of gold. What you just said right there like we we overcomplicate things, and we overcomplicate everything. And, you know, like I don't want to get too much into the kind of the politics of it. But like when you really take something back to the bare bones of, you know, the male and the female role, the masculine the feminine energies, like it's it, it does get to be simple, doesn't it? Not? Not easy. Because like we say, you're still human beings, and no relationship is easy. And there's always going to be times where we slip back into old patterns. And, you know, we argue over silly things and whatnot, but it gets to be simple.

Gene Dawn:

And I guess the joy of of me and my partner doing it together as we get to laugh about it, and you know, and see, see where we are slipped and things like that. So it's really nice that I have someone that really wants to do work on himself too. Like a lot of men out there cause off and don't want to go down that path or even have a look at mindset work and stuff, which is a shame because I feel like you know, it's such a beautiful journey. It's the one thing I've absolutely loved over the last four years since You know, that relationship broke down originally it was all the mine. At Work point we are on the entire be tracking now. So I love it

Claire Markwick:

fascinating. It's it's absolutely fascinating and who would have thought that you starting an online business would take you down this path? Yeah, I don't know if you were anything like me, right? I don't know, like I had, I had no idea I had wealth, health and self as my like three focuses but 2023 and this business was going to be the wealth part of it. You know, I was like, right, okay, I'm gonna, I've got this, I've got this structure. Now I've got this business model, I've got this thing, I can follow the steps. And I can start to build my wealth over a number of years. Okay, right, box tick, you know, right? Let's focus on that to start with. And then before I knew it, I'm like, Oh, my God, like, it actually ticks all the boxes. And you know, the self part of it, this kind of self discovery, this deep mindset work, you know, for anyone who hears people saying do the work, who will do the inner work? Like, this is what we're talking about, isn't it? It's learning to slow down, it's learning to express our emotions. It's, it's instead of just reacting. It's okay, what's triggering me? Let's get curious about this. That's work, isn't it? And it's crazy that it comes from an online business.

Gene Dawn:

I know, honestly. And that was the thing when I saw this two years ago, an arc mentor reached out with the masterclass and I watched it and I thought all I did see the human can I thought, Oh, wow, you know, it's changed her life around. However, I also saw the compensation plan and thought we shot Yeah, give me you know, on a piece of that, I, I see it. I don't even think twice about things like that. I once I put my hand up, I'm done. Like, I don't even have to think twice honestly. And, and I know a lot of people do then Melbourne, go go right through all the statistics and things. And I saw and like you said, it's and then what unfolds then it from there is crazy. I guess it was one one year and I did it whilst I was working full time, and really struggled. I thought I want to say I'm on my business. I really, really loved it and enjoyed it. And I didn't find enough I was so worn out at the end of the day, I didn't want to come home, and then have a business. I'm like, I got it, I got to do something. And I did it within a year I had created that we talked about in my mind, a buyer bought a caravan and headed across here to the east coast and was living my dream life in a year in a space of a year.

Claire Markwick:

It's It's incredible what people achieve, isn't it? And I want to pick up on something that you mentioned earlier if I may. And you talked about having like ultimate like 100% belief in yourself and that being the key to sort of moving forward and you know, pushing through the pushing through the challenges and things like that. Where for you where has that belief come from? Because from the sort of from the shy quiet I'm not gonna rock the boat good girl from where you came from. What was that journey like for you? What was it that gave you that ultimate belief in yourself that you know what? These dreams that have got in my head? I can actually do this and I don't have to listen to you anymore. I am going to do it. Where did that belief come from?

Gene Dawn:

You know, Claire, I think I've always just been a little dreamer. Like, you know, I was I've always loved horses and I've never been bored of them. I've never had the chance to ride as a little girl. And I had the opportunity come my way when I was 14 I jumped at the chance a gentleman up the road had some courses and lessons and let us go for it. I've always any opportunity that has come my way that I thought oh, I'm gonna I really jump all in and do it. So you know, I never had the option was I read other people's for a long time and then when I could what as soon as I got out and had my own stuff, you know, I thought that's it. I'm getting it on my own. And I've always, always known that whatever I've put my mind to. I can end yet in the background I've always felt like I've always also I needed approval to do it. So, to that I held myself back I really literally got in my own wildlife and really still am, I still come up with a whole lot of excuses as to why I'm not good enough and why I, you know, I'm not making any calls because because, and it's all little stories stories in here that are not true. And I know they're not true. Because we then have to work through them and put them aside and see you I hear I hear you, however, moving forward.

Claire Markwick:

It's so similar. It's so similar to my own story. Yeah, like I've, I've always known I've always had the vision I've always had this feeling that you know, I wasn't meant for just the norm. You know, like I always I had these visions I still have these visions of like standing on a big stage and speaking in front of heaps of people on people that are there to see me and, and I might Yeah, and I feel it so deeply in my heart, my head is going well look at where you are now that how far away from how far away do you think that is? Like how the hell do you think you're going to do that? And it just it depends which little voice we listen to, doesn't it? It's like do we listen to our heart? And do we just trust that one day it's going to happen or do we listen to our head and I have to say as much as as strong a person as I feel I am there came a point for me where before I joined this business where my head one my head want however strong a feeling I had in my heart however, like on those days I was like yes and I'd pump the tunes and I'd be powered and I'd be energized but then head would head would come in and I would listen and that change yeah me when I joined this business was it the same for you?

Gene Dawn:

Yes, and like I said it's an ongoing struggle struggle because in ground you know in our makeup in and and what we've been led to believe over so many years that it's something truly I have to work on daily. My brain is Hmm But I think you got to do it do you not gonna make it your brain Exactly. Thank you brain. My heart knows better is look back. You know, where I've come like this last year? Since October 21 Are we now? 23 So 22 Tober when he two Yeah, I was just leaving my full time job and heading up there in down the road in my caravan. Like I never thought I could do that on my own and myself in a big F truck towing a 22 and a half foot caravan down the road crossing the Nullam on my own a young lady, very young, in you know in a prime hitting the Nullarbor and literally packing herself in however new she could do it like and then back on all the little things that are compiling over the last year and to where I am now. Of course I can do anything. It's

Claire Markwick:

I love what I love. I just celebrating you for that for a start. I mean, like holy hell like it's it scares the it scares the crap out of me towing anything. So starting a big fat caravan. Like, kudos to you. It's, it's on my list. I've got it, I've got it. I'm going to build my confidence in towing that aside, now I've lost my train of thought, but I think it's I'll go somewhere different I think having something I remember I told this story in a previous in a previous episode I remember as a kid I had a velvet ribbon and I would suck my thumb and I kind of played with the ribbon between my fingers as I was sucking my thumb and it was like my it was like my security blanket if I had this little ribbon I knew I was going to be okay. And to me I feel like this business or this community or the kind of the structure of the whole thing the whole energy around Enagic and the community that is like my little ribbon now and and I'm still I'm still a person within it like you say like we're still we're still learning we still slip up we still go back to old ways we We still get challenged and all that kind of thing. But I feel like I'm in this space where I can confidently tell myself, I'm going to be okay. It's not like when this came up before, and I was, you know, trying to be the entrepreneur or out there on my own, where I my head could take over. Like, now I feel like I've got the cocoon around me that I needed to keep me safe. It's like, you know, now what's just pictured in my head is, you know, like, those funfair things where you're inside a bubble. And you're kind of you know, you're like running over a lake or whatever, and you're bashing into you, and your mates and all that, like, I feel like I'm in like, a little bubble that's going to always keep me safe. Does that make sense? Is that is that

Gene Dawn:

does. And, you know, and that's, I'm printable thing to me is when when our leaders say, the only way to fail in this business is if you quit, yeah, like, right. Like, there's no way in the world I'll be quitting this business. Yeah, we still have our days where we think it's definitely not an easy path. Because of all the, you know, the things we're going through on a daily to, to remind ourselves that we're here for a reason, we choose it, we're here because we absolutely are in love with it. And I know I am. And there is no way down day that that I would quit this.

Claire Markwick:

I know. I can't compute and I think the beautiful thing with with the company that we affiliate with is is it's like it's not an ongoing investment is it you know, it's a one and done investment. And, and so you're not having you know, your monthly you're not having your monthly auto ships and you're having to pay your stuff on a monthly basis, which is where the Alright, this is all too hard. I'm just gonna quit, like where that can come from, like, I might well, what, what is the point in quitting? Like, I've already got these machines, like, I've already got them, they are going to be income earning assets for life, like what why would I stop? Sure, I can slow down if life's getting hectic and life's getting busy. But why would I stop? Like and I think and honestly, I think that's where that belief is coming from.

Gene Dawn:

Exactly. And honestly, I because even you know, there is the Yukon side of our business where we have every four months, and mine is up for renewal again, right now. And I'm kind of on a puppy of, I don't want to renew because I'm right on a leadership level. And I want to renew there but not here. And, and I think but I don't want to be without it. Like no way I feel that is my security blanket. Yeah.

Claire Markwick:

I think I'm on the same cusp, I'm like, then

Gene Dawn:

works out in the long term because I really want the tea because Carolyn gave me some and honestly I've been having it in the mornings with an MC seeing it with a bag as well and having them together and I'm in love with that too. And I don't have any I'm about to run out. Okay, I'll renew the old one. And I'll get T for the new one, you know, in a couple of weeks time when I want it. I don't care you know, I'm all in I'm I'm all in for the long haul. And I see and know where I'm going. And that's the beautiful part. You know, it's knowing that I have a goal and and I'm really excited for where that is and what that looks like.

Claire Markwick:

It's amazing isn't it? If you could go back in time and give you know say 1010 10 years ago 15 years ago whenever whenever you feel but if you could give yourself some advice given what you knew now what would you what you know now what would you tell yourself?

Gene Dawn:

Oh my god. go looking for this business. Because why didn't this come up any sooner than it did? I don't understand. I I had never even heard or seen or known about this here little water thingy that sat on your bench and you literally had liquid gold coming out you didn't know about it? Yeah, I pride. I was in a couple of MLM like low ticket stuff back when I was 23 and then 25 and I've always been looking for something that's come along. But yeah, I guess my one thing would have been to go looking deep go looking harder because honestly 10 years ago, had I done this 10 years ago. Imagine where I would be now. Like I'd be a Bellagio or be a Christie.

Claire Markwick:

Absolutely. And for those who have No idea what we're talking about. We're talking about like multiple six and seven figure business owners, aren't we like they've just absolutely exploded, exploded on the back of Enagic as an opportunity. And I think the same thing on my I see in our, in our community just the other day they, they were celebrating the youngest ever distributor joining me. So you must be 18 years old, because you have to say to him, and I just think Can you imagine, like coming across an opportunity like this at 18 years old, like it could be fully set up for life before they're even 30? before they're even 25? And I'm just like, yeah, holy hell, but at the same time, you know, there's that little bit of like, cheese, I was like, you know, 42, and I found it, but I think but I found it. And now I get to talk about it. And anyone who doesn't like hearing about it can just switch off because I'm not going to stop talking about it. I'm already talking about it to our boys. And they were only 13 and 10. So they still got a few years before they can do it. But it was funny. I literally heard them the other day. Tom, my 10 year old was asking how much the vacates were the water ionizers. And you know, like clocking in his head, right. Okay, well, how much does that mean, I'd need to save and all this kind of stuff. And he made some comment. And Kai was like, oh, but you'd already be in mom's business by like, your 20s Anyway, so you'd already have one, you know, so it's like, it's becoming so normal for them that you know, whether they go and have careers or go and do whatever they want to do. It's like this is already in their minds that it's going to be something they have as well. And I think that's what's so awesome, isn't it? Like everyone gets to do it their way?

Gene Dawn:

Yeah, exactly. And I mean, it's sort of brought a new light into my life that, you know, you'll work a day in your life if you're doing some love and, and that rings true. Like I'd studied to be a gardener and a horticulturalist. Literally, other than being inside on my business, I want to be outside of garden. And, you know, I get to combine the two of them now and, and, and I don't work a day in my life, you might as well say I'm retired. And that's what I say about retirement. It's not that you actually have retired. It's just that you're doing something that you really love doing. And it's like you love your account. You love putting on your little accounting hat and, and working out the biggest for people and it gets to be that easy. Yes, you don't have to choose you can do a couple of things. You don't have to put it on make it the one and only thing you do, then that's what I love about.

Claire Markwick:

I absolutely hear you. I think it's fantastic. And it's been so inspiring, like hearing like from where you've come from, to where you on now and you know, then imagining what the future looks like. Like, do you find that you just have this like, buzz of excitement, like like a little child's like I find like I'm like a little child giggling sometimes, like, we can literally do whatever we want. Like we've got the means to create the way to do whatever we want. And sure, I can't click my fingers and say let's go on a world cruise. You know, let's be real like, not like it's not stupid like that. But you know, we've got the means to be able to do that if that's what we want and we can set that as our goal and we can make it happen currently and I just get so giddy with excitement about that like a little kid.

Gene Dawn:

Yeah, trembling. So my next thing like is the one thing that I really really enjoy doing outside of gardening and my business and obviously traveling you can take this business with you, you know I mean gardening you can do you can garden anywhere over the world so it wouldn't really matter where I ended up. However, I I love to travel and 2024 For me, we'll see probably three to four overseas trips easy because it's what I love doing so and this business allows us to travel because we would they hold events for us outside of like June we've got Japan so so excited for that. And then we get to go to where the largest hometown is at Vancouver so I'm really excited for the things that are coming up next year like 20 of this year because he's like you said this podcast there's gonna be the I thought that this last year 23 was the best year so far and it was literally was That's my freedom. Yeah, I call it that that's my freedom. Yeah, I created the freedom for myself. Well, this next year is like Sal used to say love, abundance and success. I I've got the love for me and my partner now. We're doing things together. The abundance is coming with this business, I feel it, and the wealth and the success as well. So that's my new motto for going into this year.

Claire Markwick:

I absolutely love it. And I think that's a perfect place to leave it because I think we're both like up here on this like energy of like, oh my gosh, it has been such a fun conversation. I've really enjoyed having you here with me. It's

Gene Dawn:

taken some twists and turns. Thank you so much.

Claire Markwick:

I just love where these conversations go. At the end of that episode. Once I stopped recording, Jeannie and I were talking and she was like, Man, I didn't think we were gonna go down that route at the masculine and feminine I was like nah, but hey, and I always have this belief that what is meant to come out is meant to come out and so I trust you enjoy that episode and gleam some gold from Genie story coming from this place of, of being the good girl of being sort of conditioned to be keeping quiet and not rocking the boat and just doing as she's told to now living this life of absolute freedom on her terms, doing it her way and in a relationship where she feels she can be authentically herself. And I just think that's it's so inspiring to hear these stories and I love sharing them so I trust that you have taken some gold from it. I would love for you to share this episode with someone in your network that you think needs to hear it and if anything from our conversation in this episode has got you curious about what an online business could do for you and your life. Then reach out shoot us a message you can follow me on socials at Claire Markwick And on Facebook at Claire Markwick or genies contact details will be in the show notes to this episode and sure hit the button in the shownotes send us a message and if you click masterclass Jean, je e n e we will send you we will send you some information so you can you can have a watch and you can start to you can start to see whether it's something that you know if you get a little tingles of excitement when you're watching it but then your brain starts to get really confused and create a list of a million questions. You know you're on the right track. So I am going to leave it there. Thank you so much for lending me your ears and I will be back in your ears next week. Bye bye

About the Podcast

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Fierce Woman Rising
Awaken your life: Rediscover joy, passion, and simplicity beyond the grind

About your host

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Claire Markwick

Accountant | Biz Mentor | Podcast Host | Real-Talker

Hey, I'm Claire - your fun loving, real-talking numbers gal here to help you create new levels of success with your health, your wealth and your sense of self. Life's too freaking short to be sat back comfortable - give yourself permission to dream, create the confidence, then do something about making it happen and let me and this show, be your guide... 🔥🔥🔥