Episode 19

You're not wealthy because you don't believe you're worthy

Sit with that title for a minute... if you don't have the wealth you say you want, its not because you're DOING something wrong... it's about who you're BEING...

You don't believe you're worthy of wealth, and that's precisely why you don't have it!

This realisation hit my square in the face a while back and completely blindsided me if I'm honest... and in this episode, I walk you through my evolution and invite you to join me on the journey.

The Fierce Woman Rising Collective is the space I have created for women like you to feel safe, growing into your power. Learn to find the confidence in yourself, build belief and raise your capacity to receive ALL it is that you desire.

👉 JOIN US 👈 and become part of the Fierce Woman Rising Collective

Next week, I'll be sharing a training within the Collective on exactly how an online business with a Japanese water company has given me the belief I needed, and has been the stimulous to so much change, evolution & growth over the last 12 months.

This is for you if you are looking for improved health, to create wealth, and reconnect with your sense of self.

Come join the Collective on Facebook HERE 🔥💃🙏


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Claire Markwick:

Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale, mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back, I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello, my name is Claire Markwick. And welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising podcast very excited to be here as ever. And it dawned on me the other day that I am fast approaching 12 months into my Enagic business venture, I can't quite believe it. This podcast kind of stemmed from starting that business reaching my line in the sand moment at the end of 2022. And realizing that I had got to sort my shit out to improve my health lose the weight that had just been like hanging around for years. And you know, it kind of got to be it couldn't get much to keep blaming COVID kilos. So lose the

Claire Markwick:

weight, saw my shit out, saw my income earning potential out and basically find myself again, you know, we I think we get to a point where we if we're not careful, if we're not consciously kind of looking at it and reflecting all of the time we get stuck in this monotonous cycle of the day to day and I just found myself you know, just you know, just literally doing the do like on that hamster wheel just like one foot in front of the other every single day I was in survival mode. And yeah, hit hit a wall. So very fast approaching my 12 month anniversary with the business that turned everything around for me. And it's really weird to think that it was an online business opportunity that actually changed everything for me, you know, I went into it thinking that it was going to be the money fix. But actually, this 12 months, it has been absolutely an everything fix. And I'm going to talk a little bit more about that at the end of this episode. So stick around if you're interested to hear more of that. And what I'm really, really looking forward to is that the lady who introduced me to it, the lady, the woman who started, all of this for me, is finally coming on this show. Stars just haven't aligned and things just haven't thing. It just hasn't been the right timing. And I met up with Sally, if you've listened to all the episodes of this podcast, you will know all about Sally. I caught up with Sally and the rest of our amazing team earlier this last week for an app for a team event. And she says I'm good. I'm finally good. Like everything is going well. Let's tee up this time. Let's have this conversation. So I am delighted and so excited that in the next couple of weeks I'm going to be having Sally on the show. And yes, she can share some of her story with you and how she has transformed herself as a woman. And the journey that she has gone on. To do that and continues to go on to do that is is just absolutely phenomenal. So I cannot wait to share

Claire Markwick:

that story with you in the next week or two. And so welcome Sally onto the show and this week. I want to talk about something I am in a variety of different Facebook groups. And there was a question, I think it was the Money Smart Group. There's a question in that group last week, and they posed, what does wealth mean to you. And I reflected on this for a little bit. And I think for me, wealth means the ability to choose what I do based on desire, rather than the balance of my bank account. It's about having the time to do as I please. And it's about having the physical health and the mental well being and the mental space to be happier having a health having vitality, having energy having in a calm peace and wellness. To me, wealth is an abundant state of mind. And that definition has evolved over this last 12 months, 12 was 12 months ago, or the end of 2022, when I was at kind of that line, in the sand moment, my definition of wealth would have probably been very, very different. Now what I am, what I choose to believe, is that wealth is more than money. Wealth is an abundant state of mind. And I thought that that might be a really cool conversation for this week on the show, because at the start of my journey, like I said, I entered the Enagic business opportunity for the money, because I thought that I needed to earn more money in order to feel worthy, I've tired my self worth to the financial money that was coming in for me. So because I didn't feel like because I didn't feel like I was bringing in enough money to support the lifestyle that we want to be living I wanted to be living, then I tied that to the fact that I was unworthy. And that has been and continues to be a really massive thing to unpack, to peel back to lean into, to explore, to get curious about and really understand what's what's, what's going on behind that, what drove that, and what therefore I can change because I know now that in order for me to feel worthy, it is not

Claire Markwick:

anything to do with how much money I'm bringing in. It is not anything to do with the accolades that I have, it is not anything to do with what people say about me how worthy I feel, is completely and utterly, wholly and solely down to me. And that has been a really big journey over this last year. And what I've also realized is that if we don't feel worthy, so this is like a this is like a, it's like a catch 22 situation. My belief system, this was this was this was the circle, this was the spiral I was in, I didn't feel worthy, because I wasn't earning enough money. That was the story that I had in my head. And

Claire Markwick:

so I wasn't feeling worthy because I didn't earn enough money. And because I didn't earn enough money, it circled round into while I'm feeling really good about myself and this, this kind of I sat in this energy of, you know, I'm not earning enough money, therefore I'm not worthy. And that kind of negative scarce energy, obviously, like we've spoken about in previous podcasts was meaning I was attracting more of that. So I was focused on this, I don't feel worthy until I earn more money. Yet, I wasn't able to see that it wasn't that at all. And I wasn't able to break out of the cycle, which meant I wasn't able to receive or hold on to any more money and money would come in, and then something would happen. That meant it immediately had to go out again. So we never ever, ever got to a point where where we would just shoot or anything like that we live we lived really lives do then and still live now a very comfortable life compared to a huge amount of other people. And I'm very, very grateful for that and realize how privileged we are for that. But that doesn't negate the fact that I didn't feel enough and I didn't feel worthy of receiving and because I didn't feel worthy of receiving I therefore wasn't receiving but what I've since reflected on is that that pattern same was true for so much more than just money money was the surface level materialization of the pattern that was what enabled me to see the pattern. But what I've since reflected on is that that feeling worthy to receive trickled into so many different areas of my life. It trickled into my my ability to receive love, it trickled into my ability to be able to receive good health, it trickled into my ability to be able to receive friendship, fun, peace, calmness, help like assistance from people, it the the feeling of unworthiness, stopped me from receiving everything that I wanted to receive. And it is only due to the deep personal inner work that I have done from being a part of this Enagic

Claire Markwick:

business over the last 12 months that I've uncovered that, and that I'm now able to do something different and that that it really surprised me to some extent, because I have been a professional coach for a long time. Now I've done a lot of coaching, training, I've been on a lot of programs, I've worked with a lot of coaches, I've done a lot of deep inner work, this isn't something that's new to me. But it also, it also highlights the importance of continual self development. You know, we never done learning we never done growing, we never done getting curious and experiencing new levels of ourselves. We peel back one layer and we we feel the pain, we feel that we feel the discomfort we lean in we process we get through it. And we might we might then sit there for a while and then then we'll challenge ourselves, then we'll stretch ourselves, then we'll have an opportunity or a situation or an experience that allows us to step up again, and lean into the discomfort and lean into the pain and lean into our bullshit stories and lean into the meanings that we put to things and process that and move up again. And so if you're someone who is kind of like maybe hitting your head up against a brick wall thinking, well, when am I ever going to be fixed? Like when am I ever going to have my shit together? Like I thought I dealt with this, I thought I thought I faced this I journaled this, I worked with a coach on this, I saw a counselor about this, I spoke about you know, I thought I was through this. And now here it is coming up again. It's not necessarily the fact that you've done anything wrong. It's not necessarily the fact that you know, you're not, you're not right, you're not you're not, you're not okay, it's the fact that you are elevating again, and sometimes those same issues can keep coming up over and over and over and over. And that's our opportunity to lean in and go, Okay, what's really going on here, what is this really about, because

Claire Markwick:

maybe that thing that I thought it was about six months ago, when I went through this was just what needed to happen at that point. But now the fact that this pattern has come up again, there's obviously something else there's obviously a deeper layer, there's obviously something else I've got to peel back and uncover and, and that really is, to me the beauty of personal development, it's it can be messy, it can be chaotic, it can be it can, it can feel horrible, like sometimes it can feel so much easier just to kind of, you know, put a big coat on over everything, just cover it all up, just cover it up, shove it down doesn't matter, you know, put on the brave face and get on with stuff, that can seem easier. But if we do that, the same shits gonna keep coming up, you're going to find the same people are going to enter your life that same frustrations are going to enter your life. And that's because we are the ones choosing not to fix things. So what I realized was that it wasn't money that I needed to feel worthy. I thought it was I thought that by having money, more money, I would feel more worthy. And therefore, I'd feel like I was a better wife, I'd feel like I was a better mother, I'd feel like our house would be more calm and peaceful. Like, I'd feel like I would be more healthy. And you know, I put so much emphasis on something external to me, earning more money would mean I felt more worthy and all that other stuff was suddenly we find all my problems would be fixed with money. I know that's complete bullshit. I know reflecting back now that that is complete bullshit and that is not true. But in that moment in that time, that is where I was at and that is mentally all I was able to process I need to earn more money and then everything else is going to be okay. I didn't need money to feel worthy in order you know, let me just let me just backtrack. can reframe that we need, we need a base level of money for our, for our needs, you know, we

Claire Markwick:

need to make sure we have our basic survival needs met, we've got a roof over our head, we've got our bills paid, we've got food in the fridge, once we have our basic survival needs met, more money is not going to help us feel more worthy. What we need is the belief in ourself that we are. And what I needed to do, what I've discovered over this 12 months is that I needed a tool to help me feel worthy, like we are a society that uses tools we always have, by ancient man use tools to help us live our life more effectively. So I needed a tool to help me borrow belief. And I found that tool, I found that security in the business model of Enagic. Now I know that sounds very odd. And it's you know, the, I found myself worth and learn how to believe in myself by starting an online business. It sounds so freakin woowoo. But it is so true. And it surprised the hell out of me even reflecting back on it. Given the amount of work that I've done on myself. I'm like, wow, how did you not see this? How did you get here? Claire, like you're a coach, you help other people with this stuff? How have you got here yourself? And how did you need an online business for Christ's sake to point out to you that you need a belief in yourself in order to be able to receive the money, the love, the health, the wellness, the calm, the peace, that everything else that you're looking for. And I had to sit with that for for a really long time. But where I came to was was I just needed something that I could put all my trust and all my faith in. And then in that moment, I couldn't put it in myself. So I put it in this business. And I put it in this business because I could see it working for other people. I came in and I looked and I explored and as an accountant, I did my due diligence, I ran the numbers, I looked for evidence I looked for I felt it in my heart instantly. But at that point, like my head, my head just needed to be reassured as well. So I did a lot of research, I asked a lot of

Claire Markwick:

questions. I as I said, I ran a lot of numbers, I created spreadsheets, I was like, Well, what would happen if I did this, and I did this and then this happened. And then that happened. And I worked it all out. And I was like okay, like I cannot deny these numbers. I cannot unsee these numbers, I cannot unsee these success stories, I cannot deny the fact that male female, young old experience not experienced social media following no social media following tech skills, no tech skills, like it didn't matter from what I was seeing, it did not matter where the person came from, what what the person's background was, if that person followed the system, the system worked. And so for me that that business model on that fast fact became my security, it became my tool, it became the thing that I needed to give me 110% belief in what I was doing and what I was saying. And as much as I would love to say I had it previously I didn't there was always that element of me that's like Yeah, but Claire,

Claire Markwick:

what if no one buys this program? nuber Claire, what if? What if? No one what if no one wants this? What if no one invests in this? What if no one takes up your offer? What you know? What if people just laugh at you? What if people are just humoring you What if people just say that you're that you're helping but when it comes to actually them paying you money, they're not prepared to because they were just being polite. I always had that in the back of my mind. And I know that from talking to other women who have been looking into this opportunity, they have that with this too. But that's maybe that's because they haven't done as much due diligence as I did. Maybe that's because you know that there's still something that they have to overcome. And I firmly believe like, I'm not here to. I'm not here to convince and coerce anyone to join my team and join join me in this business because I don't need to. I'm here for women and men, but my Collective is fierce women rising. I am here for women who are ready to step into the next version of them and women who like me, needed something to help them break through that disbelief in themselves so that they have this thing to cling to this thing that is the absolute you cannot dispute that this works and that people are investing in IT people buying it, people are working the system and people are changing their lives, I had the I have the success metric. Now I have the evidence. And that's what gave me the belief in myself. And I want to just be really very real for a moment and say that I have not made the money from this Enagic business that I thought maybe I might in my first 12 months. But what I have realized is that this realization, this growth, this opening up this seeing things differently, is what needed to happen first. So when I joined this business I made I made I had two people join my team incredibly quickly. And then a couple of months later, I had a third person join my team. And so you know that

Claire Markwick:

I feel like that's the universe and all right, Claire, we got you. Like, let's just prove to you that this is going to work. But since then, I haven't had anyone else join my team. So my first few months of business was like, bang, bang, bang. And then since then I haven't had anyone else have joined my team I've made so this sales have been made. But I haven't had anyone else join the team. And what I know now looking back is that that is because this lesson is a lesson that needed to be learned. Why am I sharing all this with you? Why? Why should you care? Why would what benefit is there me sharing this? The reason that I am sharing this story is to give you listening in an insight into what being an entrepreneur actually means what having an online business actually means. Because it is not about when people say to me, oh, Claire, I just, I just don't know that I'm going to be able to sell the products, I just, I just don't know that anyone's going to buy from me. It has nothing to do with the product. It has nothing to do with how you feel about the product. People are buying the product all over the frickin world, like billions and billions and billions of dollars of sales revenue is happening within Enagic. Globally, millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars is being paid out to Enagic distributors and magic as a company do not do not sort of openly outwardly advertise they use all of their marketing budget to pay the Commission's to their distributors, they they mark it through the distributor network and they will pay up to 50% Commission's on the products. And so when there are billions of dollars being made in sales volume, that means that at least 50% of that more when it comes to paying out bonuses and things, it gets to be about 70% A huge proportion of that money is coming back to us as distributors. So there is no way in hell. If you are if you are any, any any part a sane person, you cannot deny

Claire Markwick:

the fact that sales are being made. So it's not the fact that there is you have fear around the product, you have fear around you, you have fear around your ability. And what I want to really get across through sharing my story is that if you follow the system that is laid out for you, and you are coachable, either by me or by whoever you choose to enter the business through, there is no way in hell that you will not come out the other side, a completely different person. And that that might not mean financially for the first 12 months or even two years I don't know. But you will come out a different person you will come out an elevated being you will come out with a higher state of consciousness you will come out with some firmer belief in yourself. Your confidence will shine your energy and your vitality will just glow people will comment like what are you doing? Like what what have you changed what is going on for you because I feel such a different vibe in your presence. I feel this positivity I feel this inspirate I feel I feel something I don't know what it is like what's going on. And and this is the power of this is the power of this business and the personal development and the community that comes with it. The growth the evolution. And this is where this is where fierce woman rising is coming from this energy this, this momentum. And what I'm realizing now is that it's taken longer for me because I had to go through this first I had to realize this first I had to grow, I had to elevate, I had to feel the pain, I had to feel the doubt I had to feel the fear, I had to question myself, I had to really reflect, I had to go through all of that. So I could pop through the other side, and then take you by the hand and lead you through it, I cannot lead a revolution, that I haven't walked myself, I had to walk that journey first. And that is what really, really excited me when I was sat last night. I couldn't sleep last night. And it was it was

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like 1130, close to midnight. And I was like what am I going to talk about I, I didn't record a podcast on Friday, I should record one over the weekend, what am I going to talk about. And this, this popped into my mind, because this I feel is so important. And I think we're living in a society now where we can get access to things instantaneously and very quickly. And as a society, I think, I believe we are losing our ability to be patient, we're losing our ability to let things happen as they're meant to, we're too quick to go, oh, it's not working. It's not working, oh, that's not working, move on to something else. And I want to stop that. I want to stop you experiencing that I want to nurture and support you to understand that we're not meant to do everything instantaneously. Like growing, elevating, changing our life is not meant to be, let's look, let's pay COACH FEW $1,000 and spend three months on a program and bang my life's different. Like it does not work like that we are becoming this society of consumerism. And we're just searching for that next thing and this next thing and this next thing and this next thing, and it's bullshit. Because until we take the time to sit and reflect, and lean in and feel and process and grow and elevate, we are never going to rise, we are never going to have that life that we say we want. Because we're never going to feel worthy enough to receive it. Because we haven't given ourselves the time to process. Everything we need to process to, to clear out all our shit all our bullshit, all our limiting beliefs, all the all the crap and the crud that we've gathered over our lives, we have to take the time to clear that out. And if we don't, we are just going to keep coming up against the same things, the same type of person is going to enter our life and frustrate the hell out of us, the same kind of job is going to keep coming up, we might change the environment, we might change who we work for, but the same

Claire Markwick:

issues are going to keep coming up. Our bank balance is never going to get past that certain point. It's always going to get to that point. And if it pips over, something's going to happen, which is going to mean that we're going to have to spend some of that money or put some of that money into something else. And to keep us at that level that we feel worthy.

Claire Markwick:

If you are someone who truly, truly wants to elevate and rise above where you are right now, then that takes time. That takes work. And that is something that I am committed to helping people with this year. And every year going into the future from here because I have found I have found what I'm here for. I am here to help you rise, I am here to help you elevate I am here to help you take the steps that you need to take to learn what you need to learn to get over what you need to get over so you can receive the life that you say you want. Because if you don't have it right now, it's not because you're doing anything wrong. It's because you don't feel worthy of it. You might say you want it but deep down inside, you do not feel worthy of it, you cannot hold it, you cannot receive it. Because your unconscious mind knows you're not worthy of it. And so you have to do the work, you have to be supported, you have to be guided, you have to make decisions that fly in the face of logic, you have to do something different. And that's what I'm here to support you to do. Um, so I went a little off topic there. And no, I didn't go off topic. I went off the notes that I wrote, but I always do that. And I love I love that I get to express myself so freely on this podcast and I love the comments and the feedback and everything that I get from you guys after one of these episodes goes live because that just reassures me and helps me know that I'm on the right track. I'm here doing this for the right reasons I know I am. But it'll it always feels good to get your messages and your emails and your comments on my posts. So I really do appreciate that. Now what I want to do now at the start, I said I was going to talk a little bit more about about the Enagic business opportunity. And I want to do a bit of a I want to do some shameless self promotion right now, because this is something that I feel very, very strongly about. And I want to give anyone listening to

Claire Markwick:

this, who was like, What the heck is she going on about an opportunity to learn some more information. So if you are someone who is maybe at a point where you're like, I just, I don't know where I go from here, I don't know where I go from here. I'm sick of getting to this point, I can't seem to break through, I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall, like I'm done. I need to change something. But I don't know what an online business is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But let me give you an invitation to at least come and check out some information. Because I can honestly tell you from coming through the other side of 12 months of work, it could be the very thing that you need. And if it's not, I am not going to, I am not going to force anyone into anything, I don't need to do the hard sell. I'm not here to constantly recruit, I am just here to spread my message and speak my truth. And for anyone who feels compelled to join me, they can. Anyone who's like not interested, you walk away. So I want to invite you to come in and join us in the first woman rising collective. It is our Facebook community that is tied to this podcast is where we focus on creating a safe space creating a collective of women who are done with where they're at right now. And, and we're focusing on building our health, creating more wealth, and reclaiming our sense of self. So we become this fierce, powerful, unstoppable force who feels worthy and can receive the life that she really wants to live. So come join us in the collective. I'll put the link in the show notes to this episode. And next week, I am going to be popping a training in there and I'm going to be incredibly mindful of keeping it to 30 minutes. Every time I've tried to do a training on this topic, I have spoken for a significantly longer period of time than that I've got 80 minutes, so I've got it down to 60 minutes. This time, my aim is to get it to under 30 minutes, I want to give you

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the information that you need. I want to share with you exactly how an online business for Christ's sake with a Japanese water Machine Company has enabled me to fire up this fierce power inside of me and move me forward and project me forward and guide me on my path that I really had no intention of ever walking, but my God it feels like the right path. So if you want to watch that training, if you want to be a part of that training, the only way that you're going to be able to see it is being a part of the first woman rising collective the it will be posted in there. And all our conversations in there will be available to you. So come along and join us in the collective and I really look forward to welcoming you there. And I would invite you to share this episode. If there is anyone in your network that you think needs to hear this episode then please share it with them. Let me know what you have loved. And I will be back in your ears very soon. Bye bye

About the Podcast

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Fierce Woman Rising
Awaken your life: Rediscover joy, passion, and simplicity beyond the grind

About your host

Profile picture for Claire Markwick

Claire Markwick

Accountant | Biz Mentor | Podcast Host | Real-Talker

Hey, I'm Claire - your fun loving, real-talking numbers gal here to help you create new levels of success with your health, your wealth and your sense of self. Life's too freaking short to be sat back comfortable - give yourself permission to dream, create the confidence, then do something about making it happen and let me and this show, be your guide... 🔥🔥🔥