Episode 23

When your business doesn't have a plan B...

When COVID struck - salon owner Ebonee Sheridan realised pretty quickly that her business didn't have a plan b...

Her once thriving hair salon, buzzing with clients and staff, fell quiet - and deep into the second trimester of her pregnancy, she was faced with the impossible decision of closing down and letting her staff go.

Fast forward to now and she has not only rebuilt her biz around her new family, but has also intertwined the online business of Enagic into her salon - utilising the water to create chemical free alternatives to cleaning and client care - and the income to give her a plan B.

This was one of those impromptu conversations that we simply HAD to turn into a podcast episode because we covered so much ground... so grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy 🙏

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Claire Markwick:

Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back. I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising Podcast. Today I am sharing a conversation which is one of those spontaneous things that just kind of happened in the moment. And before you know it, you're talking such gold you're so grateful. I was so grateful that I pressed the record button at the beginning of our conversation. Today I am introducing you to a beautiful woman called ebony Sheridan. Now ebony is in my Enagic community. And we connected via one of our online groups where we were talking about the benefits of the kangen water and how it's helped our health or helped our business I

Claire Markwick:

was just putting a call out for people. And I've connected with ebony and her story is incredible. She is a hairdresser who had a business that was growing exponentially it was giving her an amazing income and was really, you know, was a business that she absolutely loved and was absolutely thriving in and then COVID hit and like so many non essential small businesses in Australia through those COVID years. It really hurt and and it really it forced her to have to really rethink what am I actually here for? How am I going to make this work? And how can I continue to support my family. So she took that opportunity to completely reinvent how she operated her hairdressing business and now integrating and magic into that. Her story is absolutely incredible. So I am delighted to share this with you today. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. So you're a hairdresser. Yeah, and you're in Enagic as well. Like what's the Where did all that happen?

Ebonee Sheridan:

Um, so probably has to stem back to when I first got introduced to it. 2020 Ash McNulty is my sponsor in all this. And originally I looked at it and going oh, yeah, it'd be nice to have a bit more extra money and that sort of stuff. But I kind of disregarded it because I was actually doing really well with my salad. I was sort of growing a team. Well, that sort of things out where we look like live. So I kind of just pushed it to the side. And it wasn't until the whole COVID border situation happened where I live in New South Wales but myself that didn't Queensland wasn't essential. There was a point where I literally had to pack up my part of my life and move over it with my parents for about three weeks, just so that I could keep my cell phone running, there was a point where our local area had pretty much shut down. And the closest point from where we lived to the next town that actually was the reason that it happened is an hour and a bit away. And there's nothing in between there. So for us to use our local area as a hub. It was quite devastating because it was like, how am I meant to physically make this happen because none of the girls were qualified at that stage. This was in September 21 When I pretty much decided I had to close out because how can you physically just keep going emotionally and mentally and all that sort of stuff when like even sales are down by 60%. To kick start rolling around like it, it came to a point then literally, I was emotionally and probably physically exhausted because I was in my second trimester after having three miscarriages. So it was very totalling as much as we were kind of like the glue that probably held a lot of people together, because we got several hours, like, probably eight hours a day of people going, Oh, this is such a bad thing, or how are you doing this? Like, it's affecting our businesses and stuff like that. So we got the brunt of it. I didn't

Claire Markwick:

even think of that side of it. Like you'll get your like playing counselor to like all your clients and everything is well no qualified to do it.

Ebonee Sheridan:

So yeah, it pretty much took me three weeks, and I'm like, I can't do this and pretty much went home. My parents obviously living on the Queensland side, they packed up the salon because it was mom's building. So I was very fortunate with that my husband was still managing to be able to cross border because he was a manager. So that was his only way. And even during that time, we weren't really allowed to see each other because he was sort of infected and all that sort of scenario. So I ended up getting rid of the girls. And then from that journey, being pregnant, well, that's the stuff I sort of had to restart again. Well, I opened up a home space, and which kind of made sense, it made sense having a little baby that was due in the March of 22. That it was just perfectly times like I have to thank the universe for like going, Okay, I kind of needed it. Like I really just gives us these.

Claire Markwick:

I'm not seeing this, I just got to help you along the way here. You'll thank me later.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yeah, and it was kind of ironic, like all of the things that just happened, it was very frustrating that it all happened because I'm such a people person. And I wanted to create an environment of such an A thriving space, but universe was like so. So it wasn't actually until I was sort of reintroduced back to the opportunity, again, from the same person. And that July, and we actually reconnected for mother's group because she lived out of town she'd come in, we'd have sort of somatic more conversation. And it wasn't until I saw a real about my Savannah for a retreat that she attended. And it was like I wanted that. Yeah, I wanted that after trying to build a community around me. And I wanted to be a part of it. The energy side didn't really I didn't really get it was I wanted a community. I wanted like minded people to be around and have conversations.

Claire Markwick:

I was I was so like, you know, when I was trying to talk about it to my husband afterwards, he was like, so what is it? Or what's the product? And like, I don't even know, I don't know. And he was like, Well, what do you want to spend that much money on? We're you know, he was off? He was like, absolutely no way. And I'm looking at looking back, thank you. Well, you know, if it was the role service, I probably be the same. But it was that it was just that vibe, it was that energy with that community feel. I was like, Ah, I need that.

Ebonee Sheridan:

And that was interesting, because the money wasn't even really an issue. Like even though we sort of had dropped down in income altogether with me not really working. After having like a sell on credit, and that really blew up my business when I had it $20,000 For a coach. There's a lot for someone who wasn't really making that sort of money. I knew that investing into something that was going to help not only my environment. Once I saw what the product can actually do, I'll reshoot it. So it wasn't hard to actually convince my husband because he gets eaten how much I had grown already with investing money into myself. Yeah. And just knowing that it's a Japanese Navy lovers of like Japan and everything. Well, that's a stuff so we just kind of knew that that was sort of a ticket of approval with that sort of thing. And it was pretty much from that point, which was but it's a July July of 2003 that I've been in this space. That's right.

Claire Markwick:

Oh my gosh, that is so I just I love it and just how you just went off then yeah, I'd say like I don't really know us but you just totally went off. I might

Ebonee Sheridan:

be coming out today.

Claire Markwick:

Love it. So now you're back hairdressing, and so at home and then you've got the Enagic on the side or they integrated like what have you how have you worked them together?

Ebonee Sheridan:

When I first started with the space I was sort of aiming it towards mothers and for a little while they just didn't connect with me because I guess having the miscarriages for so long. It took me a while to really connect with it that I wasn't Martin. Yeah. After having my little boy and It took me a little while after being coached by Lauren Darlington for about a full year, we've had gone through some elevations and evolve into so many different aspects of mama, then into salon coaching, which I wanted to play around with, because I just hairdressing just speaks to my soul. And I want to be able to connect with those women, and come from a similar background, like if, like, I just didn't want her to go to work and then trap my child. And again, I know that that's a huge thing within like an industry. So, now pivoting, it's only really been recently that I want to pivot more towards salon owners, hairdressers and beauty therapists, because I can just I've done so much research now because there wasn't really much, I'm gonna be completely honest, in knowing how vital this like these products can actually be sell on, has blown my mind and just knowing how much has sort of changed my own personal journey with using the products like I was keen to hear from DDOT like I rip them open what I mean, and sort of I went

Claire Markwick:

hopefully I installed everything myself, I did the K eight the nest, but everything was leaking. My husband came home, he was like, What have you done? With us? I was like, I didn't use any tools. Like, oh, my God.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yeah, it was really so crazy to sort of start that journey on it. And I guess I wasn't really looking, when I sort of sorted the opportunity of how much money I could make. Not that. Okay, I want to go this like, it was also the other like, tick of approval of like, yeah, I want to make some money. Because that whole idea of like trying to start my business again, I kind of felt like a bit of a fraud because of like, the relationships that I have with these beautiful girls that I sort of had to let go. It sort of ended probably not as there's not in the way that I wanted it to. Yeah. Which is really disheartening, because I just wanted to send the girls with so much love. And hopefully they can move on to the next journey. And guess ours just never continued. But it really did leave a bit of a hole of like, what am I doing? How can I do this? How am I going to navigate this with my life and all that sort of stuff? So I thought, well, that's okay, let's play around the idea of selling Enagic as the business opportunity, and I did really well. Like I've managed to bring 2x clients in who saw it as a mama opportunity that they can make money within two weeks of me being in the business.

Claire Markwick:

So similar to me, I bought I bought two people really my first two weeks. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's crazy. I see it as I see it as the the universe sending me a sign that this is this is where I like I felt in my heart like I truly honestly felt in my heart like this is where I need to be. This is what everything has been guiding me to, like, I have done so many things like I'm an accountant by profession. I left accounting that I went into, like commercial finance, then I left that altogether went into life coaching evolve into business coaching evolved into leadership facilitation then had a big breakdown at the end of 2022. And then then this opportunity entered my world at the beginning of last year, so a year ago. And yeah, I'm just like, Oh my God, I feel like this is what everything. All these random things I've done is what everything has been drawing me to and then to have two amazing women miners come and see the opportunity and block Hell yeah. Like I want to be a part of this, like this is incredible. Within that two weeks, I was like alright, thank you universe, but that's you telling me this is the right thing.

Ebonee Sheridan:

And it's so funny you said that because I did also life coaching and some aspects of like healing modalities as well. Because I knew that hairdressing is not just a hairdressing thing anymore, it's become a bit more of a soul connection. And yeah, leading on from like, having the life coaching, it's just kind of works out so well in our space, that you're able to help people sort of move on to the next point of their life. And not just to feel like this is one option like hairdressing is just it there is so much more out there that we're able to be tapped into. And it's

Claire Markwick:

absolutely I that's the one of the biggest things and it's, it's, I feel it and every single one in my team feels it as well. It's that kind of rekindled joy, because we've got that feeling of like optimism and possibility back, you know, like, so many people I speak to have parked their dreams, you know, it's like it's just just parks you know, this is what I'd love to do, but this is where I'm at right now and I just can't see how I'm gonna get there. So it's just parked. And I certainly feel like I'm still like I'm only 12 months in like I've building the foundations. I've still got a long way to go before I can say this businesses like set me financially. Free, but I know that it's coming. And I know that, like, the possibility is there. And that's a really awesome thing to have back, isn't it that like confidence that everything is going to work out as it's meant to? Yeah,

Ebonee Sheridan:

it's the contagious feeling that you get from other people as well, when you do surround yourself. And it's never been more true when they said, like the five people around you dictate your outcome, like how much more you get pushed. And I think that that's where I was seeking, like I, I was so innovative with all the things that I did within my business. But yet, I didn't have anyone to sort of like really next level it to where I wanted to go, like, we live in the middle of nowhere. That's like, I mean, 5000 people in the main town, and then we're main hub for a lot of people that travel in and out. So it's kind of like trying to bring new flavor into a small area, when you're the only person who's trying to do that. And in the hairdressing community, I think in rural places tend to not collaborate really well with each other, which is a shame, because there is so much opportunity that can be had with him. I think

Claire Markwick:

it's the same like because I'm in a small Oh, I'm on the outskirts of a small town as well, you know, we thought like, 25, K's out of a town, that's about seven and a half 1000 people, so not dissimilar. But I think like it's industry wide, you know, like retail shops, cafes, like, I noticed, and I have conversations with people saying about how, you know, it's like, it's like this competitive environment, like there's only a finite amount of people. So you know, we can't possibly collaborate and work together, we have to compete against each other. And the amount of times I'm like, Oh, my God, like if it were just the opposite, like, if everyone just worked together, like, you could service a small community so much better. And that's what I really love about this magic space. Like, even like you and I, we're not like financially connected in terms of uploads and downloads, and whatever. But yet, we're still here, having a conversation that's potentially going to, like, inspire and educate a whole heap of people. And that's just what, and that's just what I absolutely love. I'm like, let's just ditch all the shit and detail the politics and ditch all the competition and just have fun and serve and help people see, like a new reality. Just I love that I get like drunk on it. I'm like,

Ebonee Sheridan:

I don't I feel like I have the best conversations with these people. Like, as much as I love my clients, I'm not really a social person. So my clients are kind of like my people that I talk to. But there's really, as far as you can go with conversations with that, because either none of them have their own businesses, or they're in a field where you just don't really connect on. It was really interesting today, I actually have one of my old clients that have returned, and she started Enagic business maybe a year ago, a year ago with someone else. And just a conversation today has been so different from previous ones that we've ever had before. Like we talked about just her opportunities of who she can reach and who and how, and all of that sort of things that it was really lovely to have that inspiring conversation in a space. And I kind of want more of those. Oh,

Claire Markwick:

absolutely. Absolutely. I was like I was I used to run it like a women's networking group. And I'm like, I should start another one up. Like I love that just having women together, like good, good food, good company, good conversation, like no agendas. It's just uplifting conversation and having a good time. And I just think Yeah. So I want to know if you're if you're happy to like, I've always been diggin, like, how how did the how do you use the products in the salon? So you've got both the Ka and the NS spa? Yeah. How do you use them within your business.

Ebonee Sheridan:

So I've really only been using the Nisbett heart, I came in with a three product, the three products in SR K and the recon. And we've pretty much could only really afford that at the time. And I would actually really love to expand to another an expert in the salon. And I did some I just moved it down a couple of weeks back just to kind of figure out how this would all work and how a salon would sort of utilize it because I haven't actually seen anyone else utilize it until recently. And I noticed really just one day, how beachy my body felt on just our town border. And that really blew my mind after what we going on almost two years of using the inner spa in the shower itself. I haven't noticed a huge difference in hair and I still really want to play around with it a bit more. But one of the aspects that I found really mind blowing when I did a bit of research is my asthma has actually dropped. Like when I think about that I've been an asthmatic for like 20 Eight years since I was two years old, I was diagnosed and to know that majority of my life had been on a steroid puffer. And it always felt like it kind of went up and up and up to try and maintain it or keep it balanced somehow. And I've always been kind of an emotional, asthmatic as well. So anything that triggered me that sort of would set it off. And recently, well, it was a couple of months back, I've just decided I wanted to sort of decrease it because I wasn't using it that much. And then when I was doing research about it, I was understanding what chlorine actually does to the body, the skin, the hair, and all that sort of stuff. And I know, for a huge part of hairdressing when we say when you go for go for a dive in the pool, we always say make sure you've got products to like, absorb that that product, so it's not chewing or creating damage to your hair. And when I understood that chlorine is a vapor Once heated up, when you think you're fearing the show, oh, that is

Ebonee Sheridan:

aggravating your lungs. And when I think back to all the times that I've either left a puffer at home, and we went on, like trips away, my mom would use the shower to steam up the room to help open up my chest. Yeah. Did I know Holy shit, that was actually aggravating me more. And then we ended up in the hospital anyway.

Claire Markwick:

Isn't that interesting? Because I have I've, like always said that in the past, like, whenever, like my kids have been, like clogged up. And I remember, you know, I had childhood asthma. I grew out of it, thankfully. But you know, when I was really like in the throes of an attack and stuff we'd do do the same year, steam up the bathroom, and I'd sit in steam rooms at the swimming pool and stuff like that as well. We should probably all the same water. But yeah, I've never even thought of that. So showering in the UNESCO, which, you know, will use this recording. So for anyone, anyone listening is it takes all the chlorine out of the water, doesn't it? It's a charcoal activated charcoal filter, it takes all of the chlorine out of the water. So showering in that and having that steam has meant that you've been able to use less. Steroid puffers?

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yeah. Wow. Probably even going a couple of days without really utilizing. Normally, I would find myself in an emotional cycle where I'm like, Okay, I need to have it because it was just on repeat. But now I found myself only needing it when I need it. How which has been so incredible. Because I guess wanting to go on any sort of health journey and understanding of body and knowing that the medical industry is them. Yep, we won't go there just isn't money making

Claire Markwick:

a whole lot about compensation.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Just knowing how much my body doesn't need it. And understanding that that was one of the contributing factors of it has actually really blown my mind and making me more determined to try and get people aware of just how bad chlorine is, like I knew it from the hairdressing aspect and how much it's affecting it. But I never really knew how much skin wise and internal it was actually affecting. I

Claire Markwick:

mean, I'm exactly the same as you and I'm just starting because like I said, when I came into the business, I came in for the business side of it, you know, it was as an accountant, it was the commission structure is the numbers that kind of sucked me in, and the products by have to over go with me, I'm going to put my hand up 12 months in. I mean, I've used the product from day one, but only in the last couple of months. Am I starting to really research and really start to look look out seek out people who have got stories like yours and things to share the product because like so many people like ours, it's one of those Waterfield of things, isn't it? And I was like, Yeah, you know, move on to the next person kind of thing you know, like Eau Claire. You've got in your laundry sink for us. Bathroom. But yeah, it's I mean we're incredibly lucky where we live we have our water comes from our mouths in spring anyway, so we're not on tap water. So we don't have huge amounts of chlorine in our source water which is awesome but whenever we go away anywhere particularly I noticed that we've got family in Canberra and when I go and stay with like my sister in law I might I can really smell it now like in the shower. Okay and you know and then we go and stay anywhere else I mean who my skin like he said my skin just instantly kind of go for itches and gets dry. Where you don't get any of that, do

Ebonee Sheridan:

you? No, no, definitely not. And just noting like that one time that I moved down to the salon and just like oh yeah, we'll be fine. We'll be fine. Like you can just stay in there. I noticed instantly I would itch and the feeling was like that I dragged me back upstairs because I could not handle that for Dealing my clients could deal with it on their hands.

Claire Markwick:

So you got to pay out you're using the cell phone or the coyote water.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yes. So I don't have it in there because I work from home. So I get to sort of utilize it backwards. And so that's been really great. I've noticed, just simply by having it, I don't have to purchase bottled water for my clients, let alone even chemicals. And that's probably pretty huge. Because the salon environment, you always want to click keep it to a nice standard of cleaning. And the 2.5 has really been like probably the biggest using factor in the salon, from the brushes to just wiping down the chairs and using the what was the the Beauty Water, which I've only just sort of really discovered using it for merits.

Claire Markwick:

I only have one, isn't it? Yeah,

Ebonee Sheridan:

I was kind of surprised. I was like, how does this one work? This doesn't make sense. But in when I still actually working? It was like, wow, that's water.

Claire Markwick:

I know, like I just did, I just did a post. Like yesterday, I got my two I've got a 13 and the 10 year old both boys both hate cleaning. And I hate cleaning too. And our house we have not blitz cleans that house for a really long time a wax that cracked the sheets. I was like we're gonna clean. And I'm like, what if he was on window duty. And he's like going around your mind where the window wipes where's the Windex? I'm like, No, you six, like rule. And he's like spraying and like, oh, this actually works really good, doesn't it? I'm like, Haha,

Ebonee Sheridan:

doesn't smell like the play.

Claire Markwick:

And then when you get hot and bothered, because you've been cleaning windows, you just spritz it on your face. A bottle of six grits with me, everywhere I go. It's almost in every room of the house.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Let's see. The only other thing that I haven't really played around too much with is probably the 11.5 using it for color remover. That's probably the only other thing that I can think of. Within the space, there's a whole number of a number of things that I'm sort of working on through an ebook on explaining all the different aspects. But just knowing that I can use the 9.5 water for my clients instead of bottling it. So I got a filter on there. And it was actually really nice water. Now realizing how much it probably wasn't cleaning out or actually being beneficial for my body. It's kind of yeah, definitely blew my mind.

Claire Markwick:

Yeah, totally. That's so cool. So there'll be a whole heap of stuff that you're now not buying, because you've got in terms of like water for your clients to drink, disinfectants antiseptics, like say, brush comb soaks, all the sanitizing stuff for you for the chairs and everything else, like none of that stuff you're buying anymore. And that's gonna be helping you asthma to not being around all those chemicals.

Ebonee Sheridan:

It's definitely decreased it the products that I use, like, color wise is definitely a lot more softer to my asthma. So I've haven't really had any sort of flare ups. But it's nice to know that I haven't had to need extra chemicals. Yeah, my space really tried to bring in an aspect of holistic approach to it have the incense going essential oils and lots of stuff. So knowing that I don't have to bring chemicals into clean has kind of made it on a whole different ballgame as well. Yes, just really cold. Absolutely.

Claire Markwick:

I just I think the more I uncover and the more I learn, like it just it completely blows my mind. I'm like, Oh my gosh, like why isn't this spoken about more it phone needs to be restarted.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Another thing that I was sort of researching even more is where we sort of live is quite cotton related a lot of crops. And we don't really consider the overhead sprays that land on roofs that go into tanks. Oh, which when I thought about it, we have a lot of bottled water as well so that was quite high mineralized all that sort of stuff but even just the chemicals that sit in the water as much as you feel like you've got tank clean water, you don't because of all the chemicals that are being sprayed that had been dispersed all over properties over roofs, all that sort of stuff unknowingly is Yeah, making a huge impact. So I don't know what sort of chemicals are actually spraying that could be affecting our skin, let alone drinking. So that was like a real big Holy Moly moment. That's like a little own hair. Like I guess me knowing so much about hairs probably made me go okay, well, I need more of this Invisalign to tilt like Tokico because it's kind of the reason their hair's fading and then wasting their money. Absolutely.

Claire Markwick:

Yeah. I've certainly noticed I've certainly noticed since showering in the in Esper and I am a big one for using the six as like a conditioning spritz as well. Anyone like what we when we say numbers we mean like the pH the K eight producers or different pH is of water so six pH, she said ever so slightly acidic, which is the natural pH of our skin anyway, so presumably a hair as well, I don't know. I just I use it like all over literally just spritz it all over. And I've noticed my hair is so much thicker and stronger, I was getting to the point like I'm in my mid 40s. Now, I was getting to the point where like my hair was starting to fall out in clumps in the shower. And I'm like, what the rigging heck is going on here. And so I switched to a natural like shampoo bar, similar sort of time to the an Esper, and the two combined on my hair feels nice again.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yeah, definitely so so the 6.1 would actually essentially be closing the hair cuticle doubt and creating that shine, softness and like reducing split ends, which is really cool.

Claire Markwick:

There you go.

Ebonee Sheridan:

We've actually done a lot of like, a lot of the industry now has moved into acidic based products to try and help close down a cuticle. So a lot of the time when you're using, like hair color, for example, it has to go up to 8.8 ph, to blast open that hair to cuticle to get into that hair follicle. And then we use acidic base products to actually close it back down. So this is where an SS pKa aid has actually really come in like amazingly, because I can use acidic rinses using the 6.0 to actually close client's hair back down.

Claire Markwick:

Well, so instead of putting like another, another waste product on top, you know, the dye fair enough, it is what it is, but then at least you can minimize the other products that go on top. Yeah. How cool is that? And that? So that's like a color setup by I don't know the terminology. Sorry. That's so cool. I love it. Absolutely. Love it. That's so awesome. Thank you so much for sharing. I just I absolutely love hearing people's stories about this business and this endless water. And whilst you know, there's a part of me that's like, it's all the same. You know, like everyone loves it. Everyone loves the community. Everyone says the same things. I might want. Like, it doesn't get boring, but I might know it just further kind of amplifies how cool the space we're in.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Yeah. And it's not just one way of doing it as well, which I really discovered so much like, I guess early on the space that I sort of came in was for mothers who wanted to be able to do more with their children and stuff like that. I still love hairdressing. Yeah, I didn't want to have to completely give it up. And that's some there was a part of me during that time was like, Okay, I had to go gung ho, and just doing magic and stuff like that. And what I realized, after all this, I still love hairdressing. And there's a component of there always will be hairdressing because it's not something that a robot can take over. And it's something that hairdressers have such a huge amount of no power or persuasion, but there is an element of trust, and think that you're willing to spend a couple of hours in the salon with them. So to also be able to make an income, as well as being able to help your clients, the ideas behind how much money I can make, by helping out the clients is actually insane. And using the legacy platform and that the direction of the business is going to outweigh anything that I could even possibly do, because I could work my ass off for 60 plus years. But I'm not going to be able to create such wealth and impact as I would by having a product that's already established already ready there to go. That it's just going to make my life 10 times easier, but also make my clients super happy because this product lasts forever.

Claire Markwick:

And I'm saying like being being an accountant, like as much as I have, like fought it at times in my life, I might get zero down with numbers, like it always comes back. I'm always drawn back and like I was literally talking to a client just before and just before we jumped on and Mike you know, it wasn't the greatest of news that I had to share. But you know, we chatted about it. You know, is it alright, you know, can I have you got capacity? Can I send new clients your way on my queue? And I got this bus I make no I do I really do enjoy this I don't want it to be an either or for me. You know, as an accountant and business coach like my goal is to help small business owners have a business that meets the needs of their life rather than takes over it. And I'm like, how hypocritical would that be for me to be working 7080 hours a week preaching that message you know if I'm like completely burnt out and exhausted and you know got to work every hour of the day to make enough money to live the life that I want my that's not gonna work. So I need something else to exactly like you to be kind of propping things up and that whole like legacy piece. That whole all like, I'm just like, oh my god, I might even if it takes me 10 years to get to that point in the commission structure, like doing the job I'm doing now or even, you know, a more senior role, I'm not going to be in a position to be having 1000s of dollars drop into my bank account every single month that I can then pass on to my boys. So it will be dripping into their bank account all through their life. I'm like, I'm sorry. But no, no accounting firm can pay me enough to do that.

Ebonee Sheridan:

And when I looked at the other filtration systems, like there's ones online from going from 100 to maybe 150, you'll only make maybe half of that money. What's the leftover like, then they don't have a future plan that says in 50 years time that they're still going to be producing that product and giving you a legacy like to work with? Whereas Yes, and a jig seems expensive. And there is so much more to the business that is going to produce lifelong wealth than anything else. I don't Yeah, I could have convinced my clients to kind of go down that path and buy $150 one. But how long does that last? How long? Does that feel proud need to be replaced? How long is that machine? Well, that little tiny thing going to actually help benefit what you're doing. Just the technology alone is different. The business structure is different. And I keep coming back to Enagic just offers and outranks any one else that does filtration in the world. Exactly.

Claire Markwick:

Exactly. I was talking to someone this morning in my DMs over on Insta and you know, she's a part of one of the you know, the like the molecular hydrogen bottles. So you put the water in, press the button in it, and it shoots you know, however it does it. ionization process puts molecular hydrogen through the water. And I'm like, yeah, that's all like, awesome. Like, I'm all for, I guess products like that coming onto the market, because it's going to start opening up more conversations, more people are going to be able to afford the 100 $150 bottles, whatever they cost, as compared to this. But I would love to see it as like a stepping stone, I'd love to see the education then back everything up. So it's like, okay, well, you know, I described those bottles as like a, you know, like a cooler bag with an icebreaker in it for like keeping your lunch cool through the day, like it starts off really great. But then as the day progresses, like your lunches like lukewarm and whatever temperature your car is a similar thing. Whereas like, the Ka is like the angle that you plug in, and it's like cold all day, and it just keeps going all the time. And it will last for friggin ever, where's your iceberg is done in like 24 hours less than, you know, kind of does the same job to start with. But it's kind of on a on a much smaller, much less efficient scale. That's kind of the analogy I'm working with at the moment till I come up with a better one.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Definitely. So any kind of like when we looked at a lot of the science and a lot of the videos that were being able to be produced as well like, knowing that that hydrogen one doesn't actually produce the same amount of hydrogen as what the Cade is, while yes, you're getting a small dosage of it. The money that you make from it within Enagic kind of out ways anything, which is pretty incredible. Like once you further sort of, like go throughout Enagic and rank up with each time, it just blows my mind that you can just make insane money with a filtration system that we all need and use. Right.

Claire Markwick:

I reckon like I could I could, I could just keep talking. Like, what do you mean, have you had this since I recently came across the molecular hydrogen Institute somewhere? Oh, there's some interesting trainings and things that they've got on their website. So yeah, I don't know if that you've come across that in your research but that's something that I'm going to look into a little bit more as well not that not that I need a qualification or anything like that. But I'm I just I feel I want to understand the science behind it a little bit more. Just so I can explain it a little bit better. Because it's it's so much more than a water filter, isn't it and it's got the capacity to completely like my, my sort of ethos is health, wealth and self. So it's you know, to be the best woman like to be the reason that my podcast is called fierce woman rising, you know, to be that fierce woman we need to be, we need to be healthy. We need to be strong in our own minds. And we need to be wealthy and I don't mean like reaching and snobby and greedy and whatnot. But we need the money to give us the choices to live the life that we want to live like. You can't have a beautiful, a beautiful acreage property that's completely self sufficient without money because it costs friggin hundreds of 1000s if not millions of dollars to buy I that property in the first place. And so that's what that's what I love this healthwell itself. And this business just completely fits that. And that's how that's what I mean by our Mike, I feel I've come all full circle to here for a reason, because this was what I needed to discover at this point in my life. And I'm just like, so grateful. Oh, that's so true. I love it. I love it. That's such a cool conversation. Thank you.

Ebonee Sheridan:

Good job.

Claire Markwick:

This is what I love so much about our online community, every single person that I meet, who is within the Magic community is so open and so generous and so willing to share and so willing to serve you. We spoke about it last week with Leann there's just there is no competition in this space. Like there is this this attitude of abundance, this energy of there's always enoughness you know, we don't have to, we don't have to keep things to ourselves. We don't have to keep within our own downline. We don't have to, like keep secret squirrel secrets. Like it's all abundance, it's all overflow, it is all giving it is all receiving it is all flow. And I think it's just amazingly ironic that we were in a water business. And there there is so much overflow, and there are so much so many positive ripples that just flow out to everybody who touches our community in any way. And I'm just loving the water analogies. At the moment that I'm noticing around this business, I think it's freaking phenomenal. So I hope you enjoyed that really impromptu conversation, it wasn't one that we were going to make as a podcast, we were gonna have an initial chat and just sort of, then make some arrangements to record the podcast. But as I say, I'm really glad that I that I hit record at the start of the chat, because there was just so much gold that Evany shared from such a raw and open place. And I think it was just too good not to share. So I would love to know what you loved about that episode. What did you take away? What were your favorite parts. And if there is anyone in your network that you think needs to hear this conversation, then please, please share because I really want to spread the love, I really want to spread the business of Enagic. And I really want to spread the fierce woman rising movement, the fact that every single woman listening to this podcast or man, if you're a man, every single person listening to this port podcast has the right to want

Claire Markwick:

more, you don't have to settle. We don't live in a time where we need to settle where we need to struggle anymore. And I'm not saying that you start this business and everything's going to be dandy in the next week. Doesn't happen quite like that. But at least you know, you have a vehicle that within a few short years can lead you to a life that right now you can probably only half dream off. And that to me that possibility like we spoke about in this conversation with me that possibility that potential is so so powerful. And it ripples into so many different areas of your life. And I'm just I'm just so excited and just never going to stop talking about this because I think it's an absolutely incredible opportunity. So let me know what you loved about this conversation and share it with someone in your network that you think needs to hear it. And if you are ready to learn more about what this incredible business opportunity or what these incredible products could do for you. Then reach out there's a there's a DME link in the show notes for this episode. Reach out and let's have a chat. That's all it takes. It's just it's reaching out and having a chat and it could be the best decision you have ever made. Alrighty, that is all from me for this week. So until next time, bye bye

About the Podcast

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Fierce Woman Rising
Awaken your life: Rediscover joy, passion, and simplicity beyond the grind

About your host

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Claire Markwick

Accountant | Biz Mentor | Podcast Host | Real-Talker

Hey, I'm Claire - your fun loving, real-talking numbers gal here to help you create new levels of success with your health, your wealth and your sense of self. Life's too freaking short to be sat back comfortable - give yourself permission to dream, create the confidence, then do something about making it happen and let me and this show, be your guide... 🔥🔥🔥